3 Sleepless night

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It was already night, and Snape and Astrid had not yet returned.

Celine walked from one side of the room to the other, unable to hide her nervousness, even though she told herself over and over again that her parents were fine, and that they would return alive.

Harry and Draco were with her because they didn't know what else to do, but they didn't talk much. Draco stared sourly at the girl.

"Would you be still for once?" he rudely asked when she walked in front of him again. "This way you won't solve anything."

"That's very easy for you to say, they are not your parents," Celine responded.

"How little trust you have in them," Draco commented, slurring his words and Celine glared at him.

"Leave her alone," Harry intervened, tired of his behavior.

"What's wrong, Potter?" Draco asked sarcastically. "Oh, right, I forgot that you have a soft spot for mudbloods."

Harry sprang to his feet, gripping his wand, and Draco did the same, but Celine stepped forward, and before either of them could do anything, she grabbed Draco by his clothes, and with incredible force she shoved him and hit him against the wall, with a dull thud.

"Listen to me carefully, because I'm not going to repeat it," she brought her face close to his, and hissed angrily. "Insult me or my family again, and I swear I will make your life hell, do you understand me?" she threatened, staring Draco in the eyes. She was very close to him, and her green eyes were threatening in every way. Draco was speechless, no one had ever treated him like this. "Are you going to answer me?" Celine insisted, emphasizing her words with greater closeness.

"I understood you," he muttered, lowering his gaze.

"Well, don't forget it," Celine abruptly let go of him and stepped back.

They drilled each other with their gaze, she to emphasize her superiority and he to try to regain his lost pride, and Harry said nothing, but simply watched them, wishing he could be alone to write to Ron and Hermione about what had happened.

The doorbell startled them, but Celine reacted quickly and ran to open it, but not before closing the door that connected the living room with the entrance hallway. The boys heard her exclaim, and then the voice of a young man was clearly heard, speaking animatedly.

The living room door opened again, letting in Celine, who was hugged by her brother Ivan. Harry was startled at the sight of that young version of Snape, and for a moment, he felt his body tense, preparing for the worst.

However, his concern turned into bewilderment when he saw that the wizard was dressed like a rock singer, with leather clothing covered in studs and runes, as well as heavy black boots; in fact, he reminded him of Bill, Ron's brother.

Ivan fixed his dark eyes on him, and Harry had to resist the urge to draw his wand. He forced himself to remain calm, reminding himself that this man was not the hated Potions professor. And sure enough, Ivan smiled a warm and friendly smile, as he extended his hand.

"You must be Harry Potter. I really wanted to meet you," he greeted enthusiastically. Harry responded to his warm handshake, and noticed that there was something of Astrid in Ivan's wide smile.

His tension relaxed as he watched Ivan greet Draco as well. Celine, who had not left his side in all that time, was quick to get his attention.

"What happened? Do you know anything about London?" she asked nervously.

"Well, I saw something," Ivan put his hands in his pockets. "The attack occurred in a central neighborhood, full of muggles, so their hospitals will be saturated. I don't think mom will be back until tomorrow at the earliest."

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