4 Rule number one

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Astrid woke up quite late, her body aching. The images of the previous day still crossed her mind, with fragments of the screams, the blood, and the suffering of the wounded.

Trying to clear her head, she turned around in bed, searching for her husband with her hand, but she couldn't find him. Startled, she opened her eyes, although she had to squint them because the sunlight was dazzling her, and when she finally managed to focus her eyes, she saw him standing in front of the window.

"Are you up already?"

"I woke up early and didn't want to disturb you," he answered quietly. He was looking at her with a calm but worried gaze, and Astrid, recognizing the meaning of that look, sat up.

"What's happening?"

"There are going to be more attacks like yesterday," Snape confessed slowly. "Even worse, because the werewolves and vampires will help us."

"Do you know when it's going to happen?"

"Every seven days. We will attack a random place, so that not even we will know where we are going until we are called."

Astrid tilted her head, looking at him strangely.

"You had never acted like this before. It seems like a very chaotic plan."

"The Dark Lord intends to weaken the Ministry and the aurors. This strategy will force them to disperse their manpower, taking attention away from his true objective."

"Have you told Albus?"

"I have done my best to warn him, but I still don't know what the Dark Lord's ultimate goal is." they both remained silent, and he turned back to the window. "What I like least about this is that we will surely win. In a short time, the Ministry will be weakened, and will have to resort to the reinforcements to resist against us."

"And Adrien will be summoned," Astrid concluded for him. Snape nodded, revealing the reason that had kept him from sleeping.

"Yesterday I saw him. He was dressing up as a death eater to infiltrate our ranks."

"And what did you say to him?"

"I couldn't, Katherine got to him before me," Snape murmured. "She was there too."

"I was told that St. Mungo sent all the workers they had available to London, to speed up the evacuation," Astrid shook her head. "Ivan was also there, right?"

"How do you know?" Snape looked at her surprised.

"Because he would never leave Romania and his beloved dragons if it weren't for something really important," Astrid deduced in a low voice. "In the end, the only one who was safe was Celine, and she will also go to fight as soon as we turn around, as she has been saying since all this started. I'm surprised she didn't run away last night."

Snape sighed and crossed his arms.

"They will be killed, sooner or later they will, no matter how much protection we give them or what last name they have," he muttered, as if he were lamenting to himself.

Astrid got up, wrapped herself in a robe, and walked over to Snape, stepping over the clothes they had taken off the night before, before falling asleep. She hugged her husband from behind and rested her head against him, inhaling the smell of his nightclothes.

"None of that is going to happen," she murmured. "Our children are ready; it will not be easy to finish them off."

"But I don't like knowing that they are going to put themselves in danger voluntarily, ignoring what I tell them. I won't be able to do anything to help them."

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