22 After the war

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"For Harry Potter, the Chosen One!"

Hundreds of glasses were raised throughout Great Britain upon hearing the news of Voldemort's death. Everywhere, large groups of wizards celebrated, laughed and sang.

It was not known how, but the news had spread so quickly that in just a couple of hours everyone knew what had happened.

The Daily Prophet printed a special edition, like the other newspapers and magazines, telling over and over the little news that had transpired: The towns and cities that had been attacked by Voldemort's creatures were already under the control of the Ministry, and dozens aurors and unspeakables tried to get everything back to normal as soon as possible, repairing the damage and erasing the memories of the surviving muggles.

Hogwarts had withstood a fierce battle, defended by the citizens and the aurors, led by Albus Dumbledore. There was a rumor about a strange woman with wings and a snake's tail that had taken the Inferi, but no one believed that.

The support that professor Snape had provided, and his loyalty to Dumbledore, had also come to light, but the headmaster, true to his word, had not revealed anything more about the reasons for his loyalty.

The stolen photograph had been published, but the news was relegated to a small corner, hidden by what was currently occupying everyone's attention.

That day, what filled the front page of the major newspapers was the final fight between Harry Potter and lord Voldemort.

The dark wizard's body had been recovered, identified and destroyed by the Ministry, but there was no official version of what had happened. Therefore, the most coveted thing was an interview with the Chosen One.

Dozens of journalists had besieged Hogwarts, or crowded at the doors of St. Mungo's, trying to speak with the great Harry Potter, without knowing that the boy was a few streets down, in a muggle hospital.

The most absolute silence had been decreed in the hospital. Dr. Lester, director of the hospital, had personally taken it upon himself to cast the necessary spells to protect the privacy of his most precious patient while he recovered from his injuries.

Harry was moved to a special area of the hospital, with restricted access, where he could be more isolated, but where he could also receive special visitors without raising suspicions.

The first to arrive was Dumbledore, accompanied by Ron and Hermione, but they could not speak to Harry until the end of the day, because the boy was still sleeping, recovering from exhaustion and the effects of the most dangerous curses he had received.

But Ginny was awake, and she found herself wrapped in a tight hug from her brother. For once, she and Ron did not argue as they so often did, but instead reunited with relief and joy. Excited, Ron gave her news of the other members of their family.

"Dad is at St. Mungo's. He was burned by one of those blue fires created by the dead vampires. Charlie was also there, and he told us the strangest story of all. Do you know who is the friend that he always tells us about in his letters?"

"Ron! I don't think that's important now, Ginny's been kidnapped," Hermione scolded. "How did you manage to escape? Did Harry save you?"

"Actually... it has been much more complicated than that," Ginny looked at her brother with a mysterious smile. "You won't believe who came to rescue me..."

While they were catching up, Dumbledore approached the room where Snape was resting. The wizard was still under anesthesia, but Astrid and Celine were able to answer his questions and summarize what had happened at the Riddle mansion.

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