9 The horcrux

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"Are you a healer?" Ron asked. From her seat, Astrid looked back and forth between Ron and Hermione and nodded.

"Something like that. I'm a doctor, but I specialize in magical injuries."

"And do you know what happens in all muggle hospitals?" he insisted, a little abruptly.

"Ron, that's enough," Hermione grabbed him by the sleeve. "Sorry, but I had a question," she said to Astrid, looking at her nervously. She had met the woman in the middle of her rage fit, and she didn't know what to expect from her.

"Ask whatever you want," Astrid encouraged her, smiling kindly.

"It's about my parents," Hermione told Astrid about the torture that Mr. and Mrs. Granger had suffered, and their critical condition. Astrid listened very seriously, without interrupting, and finally asked for the name of the hospital where the Grangers were admitted.

"It is not a bad place, but I am afraid that in that clinic they will not be able to treat them properly, because their doctors do not know of the existence of magic, or the wounds caused by them."

"And what can I do? They have offered to take them to St. Mungo's, but I'm not sure they can help them there. Besides, they're muggles, I don't know if... I'm worried that they're not safe."

"You're right, let me take care of that," Astrid stood up. "If you want, I will arrange for them to be transferred to my hospital, where we can do the necessary tests to find out how we can help them. We have a special unit dedicated to magic, we call it Diseases Without Known Treatment, and it has a team of healers and doctors specialized in magical injuries who will take care of them. I am part of the supervision team."

Hermione was speechless and nodded shakily.

"Thank you," she whispered, sincerely grateful and relieved.

"Don't give them to me," Astrid said. "Not until your parents walk out the hospital doors."


Astrid had gotten a scholarship to study medicine, and the money also allowed her to pay for her accommodation and personal expenses. That was a great relief, because after the encounter with the death eaters at the orphanage, she and Severus and grown apart.

Severus did not want to put her in danger, afraid that they were spying on him, and furthermore, his insecurity and lack of trust made him think that Astrid felt obliged to remain by his side, due to the guilt and gratitude she felt for having saved her life.

On the other hand, Astrid had a hard time accepting Severus' new role as a death eater. She felt immensely guilty for having caused his entry into the dark side, and she also did not like knowing about the missions he was forced to do.

On many occasions they quarreled about it, neither of them wanting to understand the other's point of view, and finally, when she came of age and was allowed to leave the orphanage, Astrid moved her things to the university's dorms, instead of moving to Spinners End, and the two cut contact for a while.

However, they missed each other greatly. They had never been separated for so long, and the sudden estrangement was terribly painful.

And one day, after being away on a mission, Severus returned home, injured, and discovered to his surprise that Astrid was sitting on the steps of the front door, waiting for him.

She was crying, hugging her knees, but as soon as she saw him approaching, she jumped up and threw herself on him, hugging him tightly. Severus didn't know how to respond, astonished as he was.

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