12 Good and bad news

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For a few seconds, no one dared to move or say anything.

"Pregnant?" Astrid looked her up and down, surprised.

"I told you," Snape's voice startled them, as it showed a certain tone of unexpected satisfaction. Everyone turned to him, surprised by his words, and Astrid's eyes glared at him with indignation.

"Really, Severus?" she asked irritated. "Of all the things you can say, would you choose that?"

Snape became aware of the eight pairs of eyes still fixed on him and shrugged. Astrid turned her attention back to her daughter.

"Don't pay any attention to him," she murmured, helping her to her feet.

"It's not possible, how did you know?" Kate asked, still shocked.

"It is not the first time that part of the house collapses due to the effects of a magical pregnancy. Can you take care of the wall?" Astrid asked, looking at her other children.

"You know that's not what I mean. It's the first time it's happened to me," Kate protested, looking at her father.

"The vampires smelled you during the Glasgow attack," he replied. "They made comments about the sweet smell given off by the healers who escaped from them," Kate's eyes widened, and she instinctively placed a hand on her belly.

"Let's talk about this calmly," Astrid intervened, pulling Kate's arm.

Snape and Narcissa followed, leaving the boys behind. When they were out of sight, Celine faced Ivan.

"You knew about that, didn't you?" she asked, with an accusatory voice. He made a guilty expression.

"If it's any consolation, I was trying to convince her to tell you," he defended himself.

"Dad's not going to like it at all," Adrien said. "He was already angry when she went to the attacks, imagine how he will react now that he knows she was pregnant when she put herself in danger."

"Merlin, she didn't even tell them that she has a boyfriend," Celine rubbed her hands nervously.

"Didn't you say that your parents already knew?" Draco asked, bewildered.

"No, I said that my parents suspected it. Is not the same."

"Do you know him?" Adrien looked at his brother.

Ivan avoided looking at him, studying how to rebuild the wall.

"I've seen him a couple of times," he confessed at the end. "Kate invited me to dinner at her apartment to introduce us."

Celine huffed, crossing her arms, and Adrien looked disappointed as well.

"You could have said something," she growled.

"It wasn't my secret, Celine."

"But now you can tell us, right?" Adrien insisted. "We are talking about our sister's boyfriend, not You-Know-Who's darkest secrets."

"How stubborn you are," Ivan muttered, crossing his arms. "Okay, I'll tell you, but this information hasn't come out of my mouth. And that goes for you too," he added, pointing to Harry and Draco. "His name is William Turner, he's a nurse, he's a muggle, but his little brother is a wizard, that's why he knows about the existence of magic," he explained. "They met at the hospital where mum works, when Kate did her internship before being accepted into St Mungo's. And yes, the baby has caught them by surprise, and they don't know what to do. Are you happy?"

Draco was about to ask if Snape wouldn't be upset at the idea of having a half-blood grandson, but stopped himself when he realized that it wouldn't matter too much in a family where the vast majority of the members were half-bloods. In fact, the conversation that took place inside the house revolved around a very different topic.

Snape's family (Severus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now