11 Narcissa

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Draco thought it was a joke, and his first instinct was to laugh. The idea that his mother could be present in the secret Snape family's house seemed extremely ridiculous to him. But the way Celine was looking at him was far from funny, and Draco felt the smile freeze on his face.

"Are you talking seriously?"

Celine rolled her eyes and huffed in frustration, before pulling him to move.

"Go and see for yourself."

Harry followed them, almost more surprised than him. What was Narcissa Malfoy doing there? Wasn't the Snape's house supposed to be secret, especially from the other death eaters? Looking at Draco he realized that he was absolutely bewildered, and that he hadn't expected this news. If it weren't for Celine, he would have been frozen in place, unable to move.

Pushed by the young woman, Draco entered the kitchen, and was speechless with amazement, when he saw his mother, sitting next to the table, with a cup of tea in her hand... Talking to Astrid!
Narcissa, who had never shown appreciation for muggles in her life, was so calm sitting next to Snape's wife! What was happening there?

"Hello, mother," he managed to greet. Narcissa looked at him, and smiled! Draco couldn't remember the last time his mother had smiled so sincerely. He also didn't remember having seen her as relaxed as she was at that moment.

"Draco, don't stay at the door, it's rude," however, there were things that didn't change.

Draco approached his mother and gave her a cold, polite kiss on the cheek, as was his custom, although without knowing why, he expected something different from her.

"I hope he is not giving you any trouble, Astrid," Narcissa spoke as if Draco wasn't there.

"Not at all, I'm very happy with him," taking advantage of the fact that Mrs. Malfoy wasn't looking, Astrid winked at Draco, letting him understand that his initial insults had been forgiven and forgotten. Draco was grateful, but still astonished by his mother's presence.

"What is going on? Why are you here?" he asked, without understanding what was happening.

"Can't I visit my son?" she asked in turn, without looking at him.

"Yes, but... isn't the location of this house supposed to be secret?" this time, Draco looked at Astrid, somehow sensing that she would tell him the truth. However, the woman looked askance at Narcissa, as if she expected her to be the one to answer.

"There are exceptions," she finally answered, seeing that Narcissa was still staring at the counter, without opening her mouth.

Astrid looked between them and realizing that Draco wanted to talk to his mother alone, she stood up.

"Narcissa, I have things to do, would you excuse me?"

Mrs. Malfoy jumped a little, looking suddenly uncomfortable, but before she could respond, Astrid walked out of the kitchen, grabbing Celine and Harry, who were eavesdropping, as she went, and closed the door.

Draco sat hesitantly next to his mother, who had regained the stiff, cold pose he knew so well. She still did not look at him, and showed a look of polished indifference on her face that was very familiar to him.

"You never told me you knew Astrid," Draco commented, with a certain tone of reproach. He decided to be direct since there was little point in ignoring the uncomfortable situation.

"You didn't need to know," she replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Have you always known all this about Snape?" Draco asked. "About Astrid, about her children..."

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