chapter 2 | friends

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Third Person POV

The boys walk down the road. The sky has become dark, but the street lamps are illuminating their path. Zak talks about how his year was back home. They all live in Surfside year round, and Zak wishes he did too. It's pretty boring living in Tennessee.

He doesn't have many friends back home. That's a lie—he has a lot of friends, a lot of people know him, but they aren't friends. Not like Finn, Arran, and Geo, at least. The only things that keep him busy throughout seasons at home are sports and video games.

Zak plays soccer for his school's varsity soccer team. He'd like to believe that he's pretty good, he's scored a lot of goals and won a bunch of games for his team. But he's so much better at video games. He loves video games. Apart from the two, the only other thing he does is work out. But, that's pretty much it.

So that's why Zak makes the most of every summer at the beach house. He just wants to get the summer rolling so his friends and him can get going with the usual stuff they do. Traditions, is another word for it. They always do three of the same activities every summer, and have, for as long as they've been coming here.

"Have you guys heard about any parties yet?" Zak asks. He fluffs his black hair and moves it into place on his head, still walking with the three.

"It's only like, June 10th! Not yet," Finn says, taking a sip from his smoothie.

"The real parties happen mid summer, you know that." Arran adds, kicking a rock down the pavement.

Geo thinks for a moment before answering. "I think I heard the new girl, what was her name, Stella, talking about a party at hers." The light brown haired boy puts his hands in his pockets. The air was getting colder and the time was getting later.

Finn pulls out his phone, while Zak is still interested in the conversation with Geo. "Really? What did you hear?" The raven haired boy asks, focusing on the road. He glances over at Finn's phone, seeing the time that reads "9:47."

Geo shrugs. "She was talking to her friends about it. I didn't stay there and listen, anyways—"

"We have to find out about that party," Zak cuts his friend off, thinking. "I wanna go, it could be fun."

"Well first of all, thanks for interrupting me."
"My bad, but c'mon. Put yourself in my shoes."

Geo sighs. Arran points something out, a house that used to be up for sale was sold. "That's the house she lives in. Right here." Arran exclaims.

"No, for real? The grey one?" Zak lights up, jogging over to get a closer look at the house. The house is grey with white accents. It's two stories, and the lights are off inside of it. There's blue chairs on the porch and a white SUV in the driveway. Freshly grown plants cover the outside.

"That's so creepy, going up to someone's house," Finn laughs. Zak backs away, trying not to look suspicious. As if anyone is looking out of their windows at 9PM.

"Yo we need to remember this place. We need to come to the shore over here when we swim tomorrow, to see if she's here." Zak rambles. The others look at him like he's crazy.

"Dude, creepy," Finn says again. Arran and Geo laugh.

"Won't she just come up to the bigger beach by us? There'll be more people there. Plus, only old people go to this shore." Geo looks at Zak.

Zak agrees and they continue walking down the street, laughing and making jokes.

Eventually, they plan that they'll meet up at the beach tomorrow morning. Zak doesn't want to waste any second of the summer—he needs to cherish each moment.

Geo, Arran, Finn, and Zak walk back to each other's houses, Arran and Finn's being on the way to Zak's. Once they say goodnight and go into their houses, it's just Zak and Geo walking together.

"Do you think Finn's been acting different?" Geo starts the conversation. What he was going to say next was definitely not something Zak was expecting.

"I mean, not really," Zak says, confused. "why? Did something happen?"

Geo shifts uncomfortably on his feet as they walk down the sidewalk. The black haired boy looks at him.

"What happened?" Zak asks again.

"He's like, gay, or something.. I don't know." Geo says, whispering the "gay" part. He absentmindedly speeds up his walking as Zak takes in what his best friend just said. He's never really had any gay friends. Most of them got bullied at his school back home, so he doesn't really know how to feel about them. Yeah, he thinks it's different. Kind of. But Zak doesn't have a real opinion on it. He makes jokes about gay people with his friends, but he's never considered himself homophobic or anything.

"Isn't that funny? I've always thought he's kinda weird." Geo says, a joking smile plastering his face.

Zak's kind of surprised. He never knew his friend had a thing against gay people. But, he doesn't want to seem weird to Geo. So the next thing he says, he isn't necessarily proud of. But what else is he going to say?

Zak laughs. "Yeah, so weird."

Geo seems to take that as an appropriate answer. They walk the rest of the way to the black haired boys house while talking about sports. They reach the all too familiar ivory colored, two story, wood summer house. The boys stop in front of it.

"I'll see you tomorrow, k?" Geo daps Zak up before heading down the street the opposite way, going back to his own home. Zak waves and says a little goodbye before unlocking the door to the house.

He walks in. "Why are you home so late?" Zak's mom looks at him disapprovingly. He winces.

"Sorry, mom, just hanging out with Geo, Arran, and Finn. I won't do it again," his mom sighs as she looks back to the book she's reading. Zak takes that as a cue to run up the stairs to his room.

He makes his way down the hall to his room and quickly changes his clothes, glancing at the big windows at the night sky before hopping in bed, putting his phone on the charger.

He lays there, trying to fall asleep. One thought runs through his mind.

How is he going to get closer to Stella?

thank you for reading! a few intro chapters, but we're going to get in to the real story soon :)
word count : 1108
published 1/10/24

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