chapter 7 | reminds me of you

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Third Person POV

The saltwater in Zak's dark hair and sand covering his legs must've looked funny when Darryl opened his door to him the following day.

Must've looked funny.

But Darryl was more focused on how blinding the boy looked. Darryl doesn't know what word he would use to describe Zak, but in the most platonic, friendly, not-romantic way possible, Zak looked attractive.

The muscles on the black haired boy's chest were apparent, to say the least. Darryl hadn't seen his new friend without his shirt, until, well, today, and he looked extremely different.

Water was dripping off of him, he had probably just came from the beach, and the sun shined just right down on Zak's olive skin.

The thoughts leave the older's head.

"Hey, Darryl!" The cheerful voice seemed to bounce off the walls as Zak greeted the older. His dark brown eyes and sunny smile light up the already bright beach-y town.

Zak playfully shook his head, and the water from his hair gets all over Darryl. The brown haired boy puts his hands up as an effort to try and stop the water from soaking his face, and it's useless.

"ZAK!" The yelling of Zak's name seemed to become a regular thing heard between the two.

"Let's go! C'mon, you're so slow!" Zak groans. He shifts impatiently on his feet while Darryl (attempts to) get the water off of his clothes.

"I wouldn't be if you didn't do stupid stuff all the time." The older rolls his eyes and expects a high-pitched laugh from the black haired boy.

When he doesn't get one in return, he looks up from his feet and sees a grin on Zak's face.

"What?" Darryl looks at the boy in front of him confusingly.

"You like it," Zak smiles widely and turns around towards the stairs of the porch.

"What! Like what?" Darryl follows him down the steps after locking his front door.

"You like when I prank you!" Zak hops down the steps.

"No I don't!" The brown haired boy raises his voice in return.

"Yes you do, admit it!" The younger's singsongy voice echoes in the fresh air as Darryl follows him down the road.

"Wait, where are we going?" Darryl yells to the other, who is far ahead of him by now. Darryl doesn't know how Zak could be so far ahead already, especially because he's noticeably shorter than him.

Zak slows his pace, letting Darryl catch up to him.

"My house, obviously." He snickers. They walk side by side while sharing conversation. Darryl listens to Zak, his jokes, his laughs, his thoughts.

Euphoria blankets Darryl's emotions. The euphoria he seems to get from other people or something he really enjoys; he hasn't felt in it a while. It's sweet, the feeling is almost unearthly.

Darryl realizes he feels happy. The happiness he didn't know he craved. He doesn't know if it's Zak's personality, or if it's because he just made a new friend, or some other possible reason—all he does know is that it's a great feeling.

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