chapter 14 | into you

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Darryl's POV

As I listen to Zak talk about nonsense, I see a huge wave coming towards the shore. I brush it off, it stopped a couple feet from us.

Another wave comes, bigger this time, and I start to get concerned. Who is making wakes this late at night? I don't have much time to think, though, as the dark blue blankets Zak and I.

Suddenly, I can't breathe. My eyes are stinging from the salt water as I try to find someway to get somewhere safe. Above the water.

I'm starting to run out of air and I decide to close my eyes, feeling myself float up. I'm praying at this point, hoping that I'll be able to actually get some air soon.

Before I know it, my head is above the water. I can smell the scent of weed again. I gasp for breath and look around. It's so dark, I can barely make out anything.

Almost anything. A couple feet away I spot another figure in the water. Someone familiar. Someone with tan skin that I know oh so well. The only person with spiky black hair on this beach.

Zak. He's not moving. I try to think fast, but before I can decide what to do, my conscience decides for me. I'm already swimming towards him. As I get closer, I start to make out more of his features.

I'm right next to him now and now I have to try to pull him back to shore. Rain starts pouring down as I drag his body to the sand. I manage to pick him up and take him inside. The party is still going, and the music is still aching in my head.

I get a few weird glances when I take him into a room and lay him on a bed. It hits me that he almost drowned.

I try not to think about it as I swiftly step out of the bedroom to grab a towel. The only towel is the one covered in beer from'll have to do.

I approach the door with the towel and hear coughing coming from inside.

"What the hell happened?" I hear Zak say when I walk in.

"You almost drowned.." I trail off, I imagine it's kind of crazy to hear that after just waking up with water in your throat.

I throw the towel at Zak and he dries his hair first. He doesn't say anything, I guess we're both shocked that all of this happened in the night.

"How did I get here?" He looks up at me.

"I brought you here after, didn't wanna leave you to die, y'know," I laugh at the end to make it seem like it's not a huge deal.

Before I know it, he gets up and gives me a quick hug. It's a little awkward, and my cheeks are heating up. Zak pulls away and looks me into my eyes like he has so many times before. His smile is lighting the room. The dim light shows the hint of gold in his chocolate brown eyes.

"Thanks. I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier." His usual smug smile is replaced with an empathetic expression.

I haven't seen Zak sincerely apologize to anyone before. My chest feels light and my heart skips a beat.

"It's okay, I get it." I say. He smiles at me. I swear he somewhat studies my face before saying something back.

"Why were you yelling at me anyways?" I ask Zak, genuinely interested. He seemed to switch up on me so quickly back on the beach.

"You were talking to that girl. It pissed me off," Zak looks down towards his feet and tries to smooth out his disheveled looking shirt.

"What? I thought you had a thing with Stella." I say, confused.

He ignores what I said and continues. "the way you were looking into her eyes and shit. She was totally flirting with you, do you know that?"

"I met you first. I don't know why so many people are suddenly acting so close to you." Zak finishes, raising his head up. His hair is drying and it's not sticking to his face anymore.

"Technically, George met me first." I correct him. "But what are you even trying to say?"

"I just feel closer to you than any of my friends here. And the people I know here are closer to me than any of my friends back home." He runs a hand through his raven hair and his eyes have a cordial look to them.

"But it's weird with you. I think about you way more than I do with my other friends. And fuck, dude, my stomach does this weird stuff when you laugh and.."

Zak turns towards me. We're not even an inch from each other now, and I can feel my heartbeat racing. His hot breath on my neck. He moves his head closer, our foreheads almost touching. The room seems to be getting smaller.

"Yeah, I feel like I've known you for years." I say.

Zak leans in. I'm too shocked to do anything, but before I can, he presses his lips on mine. It's like something I've never felt before. It's soft, and I can just barely feel the weight of his lips.

He puts a hand on my cheek, and it matches the warmth of the soft blush coloring my face. It feels like forever—I'm not sure how long the kiss lasted.

Zak pulls away, and we're both lightly panting.

"You're really pretty, do y'know that?" He says, voice tucked in a whisper. I smile.

"No, no, no. You are. I've been admiring you for the past month." I admit. He lets out a small giggle and pulls me back in. Before I know it, we're kissing again. This time with more passion.

"Touch me, please." He pulls away to say. My stomach flips at his words.

I bring a hand to his waist. His shirt is still wet, but I don't mind. My hand traces underneath the soaked fabric. I can feel his muscles and, slowly, I get to his neck.

Zak grabs my hand, and lightly pushes me against the wall.

He brings his lips down to my neck, and kisses it. The kisses start to get harder, and soon he's leaving marks. My hands go to his back.

I let out a noise and Zak looks at the door and back to me.

"Shhh, can't have people walking in here," he whispers near my ear, laying a hand on my mouth. He bites downwards, eventually getting to my collarbone.

"Zak," I pant.

"I know baby, I know." The name he gives me makes me shiver. He kisses my lips once more, and we hear the door start to open.

He pulls away from me fast, making sure this doesn't "look like" anything.

"What are you guys doing in here?" George says.

"Oh hey, just talking." I say to him. Zak nods his head in agreement.

"It's pretty late, are you ready to go?" George leans on the door.

"Yeah. We'll meet you outside." Zak replies. George says a quick word of confirmation before we hear his footsteps from farther away. The originally loud music is turned down by now. Zak turns his head towards me and flashes a grin.

"What?" I say.

"That was so close! C'mon, I don't want to sit in the middle seat." He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the bedroom towards the driveway.

"Zak!" I scowl. He laughs and I start to think about how I'll be staying up late thinking about tonight.

thank you for reading!
published 6/24/24
word count : 1339

thank you so much for 630 reads?! i was shocked when i saw that number. you guys are amazing! i felt like there needed to be some more action between the two, (especially since it's the 14th chapter!) so i hope this chapter is exactly that!

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