chapter 10 | midnight drive

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Zak's POV

The keys jumble into the lock on the door, and I walk in, yawning. It's pretty late now—around ten. I notice my friends are still here, they seem to be crashing on the couch. A movie is playing in the background and although it's turned down so low, I can still manage to hear it.

Geo, Arran, and Finn are spread out on the sofa, lying down. Darryl, on the other hand, is awake, but he doesn't notice me as I kick off my sneakers and walk towards the family room.

I think for a quick second before deciding what to do. Crouching behind the sofa, I put my head up behind Darryl's. I can smell him—I hadn't realized before, but he wears cologne. He smells faintly of cedar and New Caledonian sandalwood. The only reason I know that is because it's the same scent the rich teens at the country club wear.

Darryl slowly turns his head, and I duck before he notices me.

That was close.

I wait a couple of seconds before putting my head up again and yelling in Darryl's ear.


He startles and whips his head around, looking at me with a pale face. The fear leaves his face as he realizes it's me, and he lightly shoos at my face

"ZAK! Seriously?" Darryl says, groaning. I laugh.
"When did you even get here?" He asks, scowling at my laughter.

"Just now. What have you guys been doing?" I say as I walk around the couch towards the front of it.

"Watched some movies, talked, y'know.."

I walk around a sleeping Arran and plop down on the cushion Darryl's sitting on. He looks at me with a face that says "seriously."

"How was your date?" Darryl turns his head, facing mine and looks at me with a questioning expression. I notice his light brown hair is messed up, he must've slept or something. It's usually always fixed neatly.

"It was so good. Stella's really cool. I learned a lot about her."

Darryl nods, "I'm glad. She seemed nice when I saw her before. Do you guys have anything else planned?"

I pick up the bowl of popcorn next to him and crunch on a kernel. "Yeah! She invi-"

"Chew with your mouth closed!" Darryl groans. I laugh really hard, and he scowls again, turning away from me.

"Sorry. Anyways. She invited me to her party on Friday. You guys can all come. It's gonna be so cool." I continue chewing while telling him about what Stella told me just previously, and I can already feel excitement building up in my chest for the party.

"Did you not hear what I just said?" He sighs, taking the bowl away from me. I look at him with an unhappy expression.

"What type of party? Is it her birthday?" He asks, and I try to snatch the bowl back.

I laugh at his remark. "You're so clueless. No. It's just a party." He holds the popcorn up high so I can't reach, and It's starting to annoy me.

"Hey! Don't call me clueless! You can't even reach the bowl," Darryl laughs. I move back.

"Is that supposed to be a challenge?" I ask, half serious, bringing my hands up from my lap and crossing them while simultaneously keeping eye contact with the boy in front of me.

"Pfft. If you want it to be." Darryl rolls his eyes playfully and looks down at me, holding in a laugh.

He's stilling holding the bowl over my head, so I jump up and try to grab it, and as soon as my hands touch the ceramic material, Darryl snatches it away. I fall into the ground, below his feet.

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