chapter 8 | coral thoughts

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Third Person POV

"I'll see you later!" Zak's black hair tosses as he checks the time on his phone and gets up quickly. The boys look up, they had just arrived at Zak's house. All of them apart from Darryl.

"What? Where are you going?" Geo asks. The others look at Zak with a confused gaze.

"To meet Stella, remember! I'll see you later!" Zak repeats what he had just said, and laughs.

"When are you going to be back?" Arran asks. Zak shrugs and quickly walks up the stairs. The group is sitting in Zak's living room, watching a movie. Arran scoffs, brown eyes rolling, and turns back to the TV.

Darryl can't help but think about Stella and Zak. Why would Zak choose Stella?

Sure, he's happy for his friend, he really is—Zak deserves a nice girlfriend. But something about the way Stella acted bothered him.

But why should Darryl judge her? He barely knew anything about Stella anyways.

Maybe it's the fact that she always seemed to look effortlessly perfect—hair in place, makeup flawless, skin clear, and eyes shiny. Of course Zak would want her, who wouldn't?

Darryl shifts uncomfortably on the couch, suddenly it felt hot in the living room. Was the air conditioning turned off?

He takes a deep breath and decides to sit still before the others notice and say something.

The faint sound of footsteps draws the boys to turn their heads. Zak is walking back down the stairs, phone pressed to his ear.

Something catches Darryl's eye, though— Zak's dressed up; Instead of his usual tee shirt and shorts, he has on a white button up shirt and dark gray, almost black, camo pants.

Darryl would be lying if he said Zak doesn't look good. The crisp white looked unimaginable against Zak's olive skin and black hair.

The way he rushed down the stairs quick—Darryl swears he saw a glimpse of some type of necklace around Zak's neck—made Darryl's face flush red.

But, it's normal to think a friend looks good, right? It's not like Darryl had any intention with the thoughts crossing his mind.

It's not like Darryl's eyes widened when Zak said goodbye again, this time making eye contact with him.

It's not like Darryl found himself hoping—praying, that Zak comes home faster. He doesn't want the date to end badly, per se, he just wants the date to end.

But, as much as he wants the date to end, he wasn't going to do anything about it.

Zak, on the other hand, doesn't know how to feel. He thinks he looks nice, but will Stella think so?

He's exhilarated about this evening, though. Zak just has a feeling that everything is going to go well tonight. He has everything planned out—flowers, food and games. This is not his first date, and certainly won't be his last.

After he says goodbye to his friends, he unlocks the oh-so-familiar looking dark green Jeep. He gets in and the faint sound of the radio is heard. Zak doesn't pay attention to that, though—he has more important things on his mind.

The car cruises down the road, and the top is off. Zak's hair is flying in the wind, and he hopes that it's still remotely styled by the time he meets up with Stella.

His first priority; flowers. He could stop at a grocery store and get some. Zak changes directions and the vehicle is now heading towards the nearest Target.

It's a nice drive, he's really missed being in Surfside. It feels like a home away from home.

Once he gets to the store, the radio starts playing a song—possibly something by Kanye West—and as much as he wants to sit there and listen, Zak reluctantly turns it off and walks into the store.

The only thing he hasn't considered is what flowers he's actually going to buy. What was her favorite color? Better yet, what was her favorite flower? Scent?

The flowers are sitting in various buckets of water, and there's labels explaining each one. Miscellaneous plants are standing near the back.

Zak doesn't really know his flowers. He contemplates that he'll just pick the prettiest ones. Ones he think might fit Stella.

He walks down the row, studying each one carefully. Zak's eyes dart towards pale pink orchids. They somewhat reminded him of the brunette girl. They'd work.

A small hint of pride rushes over him, Stella was going to like these. Zak turns towards self checkout and buys the flowers, making sure to hold them steady so they don't fall or tear.

And as soon as he gets to Target, he leaves. The Jeep is turned on again, and Zak is back inside. This time he's prepared, ready for the evening with Stella.

He's confident. Zak smoothes the white shirt on his chest and fixes his hair. The boardwalk is about fifteen minutes from here; he wants to get there on time.

The roads are remotely clear to say the least, they were usually full of tourists. But, the good quality only helps Zak's nerves. He speeds up, black and white Nike dunks pressing harder against the gas petal. Another song is playing now, and the lyrics run through his head.

There it is—the infamous boardwalk. A lot of people hang out here, and instead of the mall, those who were residents of Surfside prefer meeting up at the boardwalk.

Zak parks, cautious of how close he is, and grabs the flowers. The time on the car clock indicates a few minutes before the date starts. Maybe he could finish this song, then walk to where the two decided to meet up.

The clock changes, it's time.

The raven haired boy locks the car doors and collects his final thoughts before walking up the street towards the actual boardwalk. Friends, couples, and vendors cover the road. The salty air is nice, it brings back memories of when Zak and his sister would come here as kids.

Zak looks over and spots the brunette girl. It's easy; most girls here are blonde.

"Hey, Zak!" She waves to him and Zak smiles. He enjoys her friendliness and presence. The excitement is only going to increase from here.

thank you for 150 views on this story and 100+ on my other ones! i am seriously so grateful!
published 2/5/24
word count : 1072

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