chapter 12 | pool party

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Third Person POV

Darryl doesn't know what to do or how to act. He only knows the people he drove here with, and they all seemed to get lost in heat of the moment.

The house is crowded. Filled to the brim of random people, most, almost all, Darryl has never even met. The only reason he's here is because of Zak. Moreover, Stella.

Zak. Something about him stuck out in Darryl's mind, something about his finesse. Don't twist the situation, though—it's not that Darryl doesn't like Zak.

He does. The jet skis and the car ride were fun. Zak's cool. In all honesty, Darryl has been trying to start up more conversations with the other, but Zak ignores him. Every single time.

Darryl couldn't tell you what he did wrong. He thought they were becoming good friends.

Now Darryl is slipping past people, it's dark outside, and yelling can be heard over the loud rap music. Chatter and conversation is ringing through Darryl's ears as he tries to find his way through the atmosphere. The bright and neon party lights flash in Darryl's eyes. This is why he doesn't go to parties.

He spots Zak and Geo at the far end of the living room, sitting on a couch surrounded by a bunch of girls. Zak runs a hand through his black and silky hair as he turns his head towards a brunette girl with a shimmery black cocktail dress. Stella.

She laughs at Zak's joke, and Darryl can't help but stare at her. She's beautiful. Fresh makeup, dress form fitting, hair wavy and long against her back, gold jewelry complimenting her amber eyes, and gold heels matching her jewelry.

Darryl rolls his eyes when she brushes Zak's spiky hair towards the other side of his face, and Zak leans into her touch. He can't stand this. Darryl lets out a deep sigh and swishes the Coke in his red solo cup—he wasn't one to drink.

He takes a sip and walks over, hoping to avoid Zak's gaze. The only thing Darryl focuses on is the feeling of his own red colored Converse against the linoleum floor.

A feminine voice says something to Zak when Darryl is almost past them, and one thing stands out to him. Stella seemed confident in her obvious flirting.

Darryl can't help but take a glimpse of his friend. He's wearing a white button up, black pants, and black shoes. He saw it in the car, but Zak seems to look different in the light.

The silver necklace he usually wears is strung across his neck. Between the girl and Zak, Darryl doesn't know who catches his eye more.

Gentle bodies brush against Darryl. Although the house is huge, there still doesn't seem to be enough space for the plethora of guests.

The bar in the off-white kitchen is where Darryl decides to go next. It seems like the best bet, as the amount of people outside is too much.

Someone is singing to a song loudly, but when she notices a brown haired boy walk into the kitchen, confused look on his face, she stops.

Darryl turns round towards the corner of the kitchen. A girl is standing near an icebox cooler, the lyrics she was once singing come out slurred now. She's obviously drunk—Darryl wants nothing to do with this.

"Who are you?" She says, laughing.

Before Darryl can answer, she shoves a cup in his face. The strong smell of the liquid in the plastic makes him turn his face away.

"I'm Darryl, I just moved in here—what are you doing?!" Darryl shrieks, pushing the girl away. As she backs up, Darryl swears he's seen her before.

Her dark hair is familiar, her dark brown eyes almost blatantly recognizable.

"Sorry, you should try this though, it's pretty good." She points to the cup, laugh echoing against the music. The familiar noise almost sends Darryl into a panic.

"I don't drink." He says firmly, looking down at his shoes once again.

"C'mon." The girl hands Darryl the cop, the drink spilling on his shirt in the process. He groans, and despite the statement he just made, he takes it, hoping she'll just stop talking about it.

"What's your name?" Darryl asks her. She seems unphased, and grabs a beer out of the cooler. Darryl looks down at the shirt with the newly formed stain.

"Samira," she says without making eye contact. Samira opens the tab of the beer and takes a drink from it.

"Why are you over here all alone?" Darryl asks, standing awkwardly with the cup. He feels sticky.

"My friends are talking to other people, annoying as hell by the way, what about you?"

"I don't really know anyone, I guess." He says.

"Damn. Your friends must know the owner, then. I'm pretty close with her, well, at least I thought I was." Samira trails off at the last part of her sentence.

"Yeah. But what do you mean? What happened?" Darryl looks at her curiously. In the background, someone starts yelling over a drinking game.

"A lot. But what pushed me over the edge is the fact that she invited our whole friend group to the beach a few days ago, and didn't bother telling me anything about it. I don't know if she thought I wouldn't find out, but she posted it all over Instagram. I don't even know why." Samira says, Darryl can hear the aggressive tone in her voice.

"That's screwed up." Darryl says. He usually doesn't get into drama, but there's a first time for everything. While Samira continues talking, a group of girls enters the kitchen.

"Oh, hey guys!" Samira laughs almost awkwardly, welcoming the girls. Darryl turns around, and to his dismay, the group of girls are the girls earlier from the beach. The familiar faces include Stella, Leah, Amara, and a few other girls.

"Hey. Why are you over here?" Stella asks. She doesn't even notice Darryl. Samira looks like she's seen a ghost, her face filled with relief that the girls didn't hear anything she was talking about.

"..just grabbing a drink! What are you guys doing?" Samira says, twisting her long black hair around her finger.

"You took forever. C'mon, we wanna get to the pool." Stella says. She seems to dramatize the sentence.

"Yeah, of course."

Stella turns around and the girls follow her, Samira tagging behind. She waves quickly, almost barely noticeable, at Darryl. He waves back.

The stain on his shirt is still dripping. He needs to find something to clear it up.

Darryl decides that finding a linen closet with some sort of towel or washcloth is his best bet. As he exits the kitchen, stairs stand right beside the wall.

With no where else to go, he climbs the stairs up to the second floor. The house is so big, but with the amount of people, it feels so small. There's people standing around on the second floor, but none of them notice Darryl. If they do, they don't say anything.

The hallway is lined with doors to which Darryl assumes are bedrooms and bathrooms. He walks down and opens the door at the end of the hallway.

Darryl turns the knob on the dark brown colored door, and opens it.

The first thing he notices is that the room he walked into is a bedroom. The second thing he notices is the two people standing near the bed.

Two people with dark hair immediately meet his gaze, and Darryl can't help but feel shocked.

He recognizes one of them.

Finn's eyes widen at a familiar face that just cracked open the door.

The boy he'd just been kissing looks equally as shocked, possibly even more.

published 3/18/24
word count : 1304

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