chapter 15 | seashore confessions

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Darryl's POV

Knocking comes from the front door. I check my phone, it's seven in the morning. Who is at our house the day before the Fourth of July?

I fix my glasses on my face and open the door, yawning. I'm not sure where my parents are, probably at the country club on the other side of town.

"You can't tell anyone about what you saw the other day." Finn says.

I jump, startled. "What are you doing here?" I ask him, regaining my composure.

"We need to talk about what happened at the party," Finn swiftly says then pauses, looking at my collarbone. "hey, what happened to your neck?"

"Why? Did you see anything? Nothing happened to me, I mean, something did happen, I burned it. By accident. Obviously." I say, laughing. I've never been the best at lying, but I just hope that Finn doesn't question anything.

He raises his eyebrow and I can practically see his mind thinking through his blue eyes. "That is not a burn mark. What do you mean "did I see anything", you walked in on me, remember."

I trace my mind backwards to last night. Running through all of the events that took place, I remember walking in on him kissing another guy.

"Oh. That." I say.

He nods. "Move, I'm coming in. We have to talk about it."

Before I have time to say anything else, Finn walks inside and is sitting at my counter. I seriously don't know how he can process anything at this time. Especially in the summer.

I walk to the kitchen and stand on the opposite side of him.

"So what even happened? And why do you not want me to tell anyone?" I ask him, opening the fridge and grabbing an iced coffee.


"Do you want anything?" I interrupt him.

"Are you gonna let me explain? But yeah, whatever you have is fine." Finn scowls. I grab another iced coffee from the fridge and hand it to him.

"Thanks. So I've known this guy since last summer. We've been friends, until like, last night," he drinks from the glass bottle—"and I never really considered being "gay" or whatever. Labels like that just sound corny y'know?"

I nod and ask, "What's his name?"

"Cayden. But we were just talking and I just thought to myself, I've never realized how mesmerizing his face is. Like he's hot. Really hot." Finn laughs.

"You're literally a freak," I shake my head at him and he laughs even harder.

"But you're not going to tell anyone, right?" Finn's once ecstatic face now looks anxious. It surprises me how fast he can switch emotions.

"No? Why would I? Why are you even nervous about that?" I ask, my eyebrows lifting.

"Are you serious? Thank you so much. I don't want anyone to know," Finn starts with a relieved tone, "my friends, well, ours now, they're super weird about stuff like that. Gay shit or whatever. They'd never wanna talk to me again if they found out. Especially George and Zak."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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