chapter 6 | sun salutations

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Third Person POV

Zak hadn't forgotten about Stella.

Just because he had spent the whole day out on the ocean with Darryl, that doesn't mean that he forgot about the brunette girl he'd met the other day.

It was the evening now, and Zak hoped that the girl would be at the beach still. She had to be. Where else would she even be?

He was walking with his four friends down the street, chatter and laughter is heard from them.

Zak can't help but notice how Darryl trails towards the end of the group, walking behind everyone else. He decides to slow his pace, letting Darryl catch up to him as the others kept walking towards the beach.

"Hey." Darryl jumps at the sudden voice.
"Hi." The brown haired boy says.

The two walk side by side, and Zak can't help but look down at the ground, avoiding any possible eye contact with Darryl. Something about his eyes, the way he looked at Zak—bothered him. Not really bothered, more so confused him. He had noticed Darryl looking at him like this before. The look on his face was one Zak hadn't seen on anyone before.

The fork in the road brings Zak back to the present. He doesn't need to worry about Darryl right now, the only person on his mind is Stella.

"Do you wanna go to the beach? Stella could be there.." Arran's voice trails off. He stays in place until Zak catches up to him.

"Yeah. Let's go." The black haired boy felt determined now, more determined than ever. He was going to talk to Stella.

"You guys are so slow, c'mon," Geo yells behind him at Zak, Darryl, and Arran. Finn stands near Geo, agreeing. The boys speed up their pace.

Darryl comes over to Zak. "Who's Stella?" He asks, moving the brown hair out of his face with his hand.

"This girl I met earlier. She's really pretty." Zak says, thinking about the girl.

Darryl nods, not knowing how to respond. The conversation ends as the group approaches the beach.

"Look! She's over there!" Arran taps Zak's shoulder and points to a clearing in the beach, sure enough, she's there.

"Don't just stand here, let's go," Zak begins walking quicker. The group follows behind him, sharing his excitement.

Darryl stays by Zak's side the whole time—he feels as if he's closest to the raven haired boy out of all the boys in the group.

Zak doesn't mind, well, he doesn't realize. He's too focused on Stella to pay any attention to what Darryl's doing.

If Stella hadn't already caught Zak's attention before, she did now. The girl is has a dark blue bikini on. Gold bracelets line her wrist, and her brunette hair is wavy in the wind. Her skin is tanned from the sun. She's sitting with two other girls, laughing.

As Zak stares, Darryl trudges towards slowly at the back of the group. He must have forgotten that he wanted to stay by Zak's side.

Until he bumps into the younger—you see, Darryl was too busy paying attention to the ground to notice the boy standing in the middle of his path.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Darryl sputters. Embarrassment lines his cheeks.

"No, no don't be sorry." Zak smiles at the older and continues the walk towards Stella.

The boys laugh at this and Zak flashes them a rude look.

"Hey, Zak!" A female voice is heard behind Zak's back, and he can only imagine who it is as he turns around. It's Stella and her friends. She's smiling and walking towards the boys. Her smile is even prettier than it was the last time he'd saw her.

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