chapter 11 | crossfires of my mind

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Zak's POV

The sun shines through my eyelids, and I yawn, sitting up on my bed. Picking up and sliding a periwinkle blue colored pullover from my closet over my head, the events from last night rush through the crossfires of my mind.

The date, Stella, my friends, the beach—it all seems like a blur. I feel like a week has passed because of how much happened in just one night.

I don't have much time to think, though, because Samira comes bursting through the bedroom door.

"What are you doing?" She asks, standing against the doorframe.

"Seriously? Go away, it's too early for this," I groan, slumping back onto my bed for emphasis.

"Shut up. C'mon, mom got food." She says.

Before she can say anything else, I get up and move her out of the doorway, running quickly down the stairs. I hear a loud "Zak!" behind me.

The stairs end, and I turn the corner towards the kitchen. I sit on one of the wooden barstools. My mom looks at me with a weird expression. She's grabbing orange juice from the fridge. I laugh.

"How was yesterday?" My mom asks, setting the pitcher on the counter.

"Good. Finn, Geo, Arran, Darryl, and I hung out. Did you get pancakes or waffles?" I sigh, yawning.

"Who's Darryl?" She lowers her eyes at me.

Samira joins us when my mom points at a white foam takeout box with the top taken off, revealing pancakes.

"You're so annoying. Let me have one first," Samira lightly smacks me and reaches her hand towards the box, grabbing two pancakes. My mom hands us the glasses of orange juice.

"He just moved here, but he's chill." I take a bite of the pancakes, grabbing a fork from the drawer in the counter.

My phone dings and I pick it up. It's a text from Finn, asking me where we're planning to meet up today. I text him back a quick reply. We decide to meet at his house.

I tune out my mom and Samira's conversation, scrolling on Instagram. I look up when I hear Samira mention Stella.

"How do you know Stella?" I ask her.

"How do you know Stella?" She looks at me with a weird expression, putting her fork down.

"Met her a couple of days ago, now how do you know her?" I set my phone down on the counter.

"My friends are friends with her.." she replies, turning back to my mom. They go back to talking and I go back to scrolling, thinking about the fact that the girl I'm hanging out with is friends with my sister.

I finish the pancakes and pick my phone up again, saying goodbye my mom and Samira. I walk out of the door, making sure not to forget my keys.

It's weird that my own sister knows Stella. I don't know why it bothers me so much, but if I'm being one-hundred, it does. That shit takes me back to last school year.

Getting in the car, I plug my phone into the aux cord. The Jeep starts up, and I scroll through my playlists. I pick one towards the top and play it.

I have the way to Finn's house memorized at this point. It's stayed the same ever since I can remember.

The lyrics from the current song playing ring in my head as I think. I soon approach his house, I guess I hadn't realized how close he lives to me.

I hope everyone is here, I'm not sure if Finn texted the others yet. I need to tell them about that party Stella invited us, well, me, to.

I open the Jeep door, hopping out of my car. Finn's house looks the exact same, I'm not sure if I was expecting a change, but there isn't one.

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