chapter 5 | jet ski

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Third Person POV

As the brown haired boy clings to the back of Zak's life jacket, he gets this rush of adrenaline.

The jet ski is speeding up faster now, almost "jumping" across the ocean. A wake is forming behind them in the water, and Darryl turns his head to look at the surroundings. Palm trees and luxurious homes are the only thing visible. They are almost too far out to see anything at the shore. Boats are scattered ahead. The jet ski jerks as Zak turns it around fast.

"What are you doing?!" Darryl calls out to the boy in front of him. He looks down at his knuckles, and they are turning white from gripping so harshly.

The other leans into the turn, and Darryl follows his movements scarily. Water splashes up in Darryl's face as Zak suddenly stops the jet ski. He turns his head, looking at the boy behind him. Darryl's face and hair are soaked and his hair is lying flat, sticking to his head. Zak can't help but burst out laughing at the sight.

"Stop laughing! This isn't funny!" Darryl swats at the other's face.

"It's so funny. I totally got you." Zak grins widely at an annoyed looking Darryl, who is wiping the water off of his glasses.

"You didn't get anything. Now water is all over me!"

"We're in the ocean, Darryl," Zak smirks. "and it wasn't even that bad! I could've done way worse."

Darryl rolls his eyes and shoves Zak, who in return, shoves him back. "I almost fell!" Darryl warns the raven haired boy.

When Zak doesn't say anything in return, Darryl shoves him again, and the shorter almost falls off the jet ski.

He gasps. "I am so getting you back for that. You just wait and see" Zak turns back around and starts up the jet ski again, the brown haired boy grinning almost as hard as Zak had earlier.

The vehicle feels increasingly more comfortable to Darryl now, he's used to the speed and Zak is pretty good at driving it—when he's not pranking Darryl.

The wind is too loud to hear each other if they spoke, so as they glided across the water, no words were exchanged. It was a comfortable silence, the boys don't feel awkward together. It was almost like their friendship skipped the awkward stage, even though they had just met.

Darryl focuses on Zak's hair in the breeze. It was usually slicked up in a clean manner, but between the wind and the water splashing, it had become messy.

Zak focuses on the body of water in front of him. Although he had jet skied so many times before, this time felt a little different. A little weird. He was more aware of his surroundings, payed more attention to dodging boats and trying not to tip the jet ski.

The two don't have much time to think, though, as they approach Geo, Finn, and Arran. Darryl taps Zak's shoulder and reaches his arm out to point at the three boys, as if Zak hadn't seen them in his peripheral vision.

The shorter boy swats Darryl's hand away, and Darryl scoffs.

The three boys in front of them have their jet skis stopped in place. They're talking to each other, and seem oblivious to Zak and Darryl creeping behind them.

"Remember how I told you that I'd tell you when you need to be worried?" Zak tilts his head, whispering to the boy behind him.

"What?" The brown haired boy says in confusion.

Darryl's eyes widen as he remembers the earlier experience, and is instantly cut off as Zak speeds up fast, laughs echoing through the air.

A loud "ZAK!" rings through Arran's ears.

"Did you hear that?" Arran turns his head, the two boys following.

A black haired and a brown haired boy zoom past them. "Oh, fuck no!" Finn yells out, starting his jet ski up again.

The trio are determined to catch Zak and Darryl as they pass through. Darryl's goofy screams are heard, making Geo laugh.

"I think we lost them," Zak says, turning the jet ski at a corner. They're way past Arran, Geo, and Finn by now.

Darryl pushes Zak as soon as he turns his head around again, and this time Zak falls into the water. Darryl's laughs are loud as Zak floats back up to the top of the water.

"Hey! What was that for, idiot!" Zak asks, but there's a joking tone laced in his voice.

"You scared me!" Darryl continues laughing, crossing his arms at Zak. He's cut off as the black haired boy reaches up and shoves Darryl off the jet ski as well, causing him to topple into the ocean.

Loud laughter is heard as Darryl lifts his head up above the water. The "ZAK!" that he said once again was coming to be a common thing.

As much as Zak pranks him, he does admit that he had a good time with him. And as the younger laughs, Darryl can't help but laugh as well.

thank you for reading! i'm sorry that this is kind of bad and short
word count : 868
published 1/19/24

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