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After 5 years


A 5 years old boy is running and giggling and a lady is running behind him with a glass of milk.

?? :taewon please drink your milk.

?? :taewon please drink your milk

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(Did you all know him)

Taewon:no (laughing) I will not drink.

He is running but stop seeing his dad standing there

Taewon:dad I don't want to drink milk this taste bad

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Taewon:dad I don't want to drink milk this taste bad. (Making weird face)

Taehyung chuckle hearing his son.


(Lucy is taewon's  caretaker she is taking care of him from  5 years)

(Lucy is taewon's  caretaker she is taking care of him from  5 years)

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Lucy:yes Mr. Kim

Taehyung:give milk to me.

Lucy give milk to taehyung.

Taehyung:baby drink this.


Taehyung:you will not listen to your dad.


He drink the milk.

Taehyung:did you do your homework.

Taewon:yes.i did.

Taehyung:ok.now go and sleep.

Taewon:daddy today I want to sleep with you.


Taewon:did you had your dinner.

Taehyung:yes I had.

They come inside taehyung room

Taehyung come after freshen up and see his son playing with toys

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Taehyung come after freshen up and see his son playing with toys.

Taehyung:you didn't sleep yet.

Taewon:dad I will sleep.

Taehyung:ok taewon .

Taewon:dad you know tomorrow we are going in minjun birthday party.

(Minjun is jimin son he is 3 months older than him both study in same school and class both are best friend)

Taehyung:yes.now sleep.

Taewon:ok.dad I want mom. Minjun also have rose aunty.

Taehyung:taewon I already told you don't talk about her. And I am your both mom & dad. Now sleep.

Taewon:ok.good night dad.

Taehyung:good night.

Taehyung pov:(I don't want taewon to meet her I hate her so much I know I didn't love her but I had some feeling for her but I don't even want to see her I hate her so much I am happy with my taewon)

After sometimes he also sleep.


Yeona is sitting in living room with emmi (eunwoo cousin).


Yeona:yes emmi unnie.

Emmi:don't you miss your son.

Yeona :I don't. (Lying)

Emmi:stop lying I see with my own eyes that you were crying last night seeing your son photo and if you don't miss them than what his picture is doing in your room.

Yeona is silent and looking down. Emmi understand why she is silent.

Emmi:yeona leave it and tell me that when eun is coming from office.

Yeona:he might be coming it's already late.


Eunwoo come.

Eunwoo:hii girls.

Emmi:can't you come home early.

Eunwoo:sorry noona but I was stuck in traffic.

Emmi:ok did you had your dinner.

Eunwoo:yes I already had.

Emmi:umm.eunwoo I am going tomorrow. I have some work.

Eunwoo:ok.i will drop you.

Emmi:no no I will go myself.

Eunwoo:ok good night.

Yeona/emmi :good night.

They all go and sleep in there room.


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Bye bye taebabies

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Mafia's Wife  [Kth×Reader]Where stories live. Discover now