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They reach mension yeona didn't want to come but rosé force her to come here. They enter inside mension eunwoo was at home with jk,tzuyu and eunkook all were sitting in living room. They see jimin rose, minjun and yeona together. Jk, tzuyu and eunkook get shocked seeing yeona.

Eunkook:yn aunty. (Shocked )

Tzuyu :kook she was dead how can she....

Rosé:tzuyu they told us lie that she is no more she never died she was alive.

Eunwoo is not confused or shocked hearing them saying her yn. Because yeona tell him everything. He knows that yeona is taehyung wife. He knows this that's why he call them here. Taehyung and taewon also come inside . Jimin already tell him on call everything. He is angry now.

Taewon:daddy why we come early I want to go there.

Taehyung:taewon go inside your room. (With Straight face)

Taewon:no I will not go.

Taehyung:TEAWON GO INSIDE. (Shouted at taewon)

Taewon:you always shout at me (cry voice)

He go upstairs. Jimin send minjun and eunkook with him. Eunkook is 12 years old so he understand and go from there. After they go from there taehyung turn turn towards yeona he is glaring at yeona

he come to her side and grab her hand tightly. She try to get out from his grip. She start crying .

Yeona:ta,,, taehyung ll,, leave m,, me it's hur,, hurting.

Taehyung:its hurting right (Mockingly)

Taehyung:same same I also feel hurt when I see my 5 months old taewon hospitalised because of you he bear all this (while greeting his teeths)

Eunwoo:taehyung leave her.

Taehyung:stop there. I know how to handle her.

Yeona:leave m,, me.

Taehyung:I am just saying you one thing don't come near my son.

Yeona:h, he is also m, , my son. I h,, have f,, fu,, ll rights.

Taehyung:DON'T SAY HIM YOUR SON. AND DON'T COME NEAR HIM. or else the consequences won't be good.

Say and go from there. Yeona sit on the floor and start crying eunwoo come near her. And start comforting her.

Eunwoo:yeon don't cry. Ok

Yeona:eunwoo y,, you kk, , know I didn't d,, do it intentionally. It I,, is n,, not m,, my f,, fault.

Eunwoo:I know. Now don't cry.

Yn nod her head in yes.

Eunwoo:now stand up and go in your room.

He take her her in her room everyone go to their rooms.

It is night time.
(After dinner)

Yeona pajamas ⬇️

Yeona didn't have dinner she is sitting at the terrace

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Yeona didn't have dinner she is sitting at the terrace.

(It is night)

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(It is night)

Eunwoo come upstairs and see yeona sitting there. He is grabbing a tray of food. He come and sit besides her she feels someone behind her so she look behind. And see eunwoo sitting there. Her face is looking puffy from crying. She is pouting.

Yeona:eun I don't want to eat. (Cry voice)

Eunwoo:you are again crying. Now stop crying and eat your dinner.


Eunwoo:if you doesn't eat I will also not eat.

Yeona look at him with confused face.

Yeona:huh.yoi d,, doesn't eat dinner.

Eunwoo:no because you also not eat.

Yeona:then eat now.

Eunwoo:with you beautiful girl.

Yeona:yaah you flirty boy. Ok come we will eat together.

Eunwoo and yeona start eating after eating dinner he put the tray and then they go to their room for sleeping.


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