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Yeona:why you call me eunwoo.

Eunwoo:we want to ask you something. have to tell us truth.


Jk:yn tell me truth why you come from there. I am your oppa right

Yeona gulp and say.

Yeona:I,, I...

Jk:just for your oppa tell us the truth.

Yeona:ok.first let me close the window.

She get up and close the door and again sit on her previous place.

Jk: now tell.

Yeona:I w,, was forced to do this I didn't do this intentionally. They say I,, if (sniffing) they w,, will kill my taewon. I w,, was call from them from when t,, taewon born. I just ignored them (sniffing) but after one week they start threatening me on the name of taewon. The day when taehyung go with taewon to vaccinate him. That day I have to (sniffing ) run from there. It was the why I run from there (sniffing) they changed my name, identity . I here I meet eunwoo (looking at eunwoo) he is a nice person who help a stranger and let me live with him he give me job in his office. Here I meet a other nice friend too Rihanna. (Sad smile)
In these 5 years I miss taehyung and taewon very much. He d,, didn't know but I love him very m,, mu, ch when I was pregnant he care for me a lot i saw him first time smiling when he see our little taewon. I fall for him deeply seeing his boxy smile. I crave to see my little taewon.

Jk:yn are getting the calls now too.

Yeona:no from 5 years I didn't get.

?? Then you should tell me this before.

They hear someone deep voice from behind . Yeona recognize the voice they turn around and see taehyung standing near door. Yeona gulp down seeing him hella angry.

Taehyung:you should tell us. (Pressing each word)

Jk:hyung you here.

Taehyung:what was the from which you were getting call (with straight face)

Yeona:t,, this. (Stuttering seeing his angry face which scared her a lot)

She saw him the number he see the number and speak.

Taehyung:Jungkook track this number.

Jk:ok hyung.

Taehyung:and yes we are going back to Korea. In our private jet.

He turn towards you.

Taehyung:and yes you are also coming.

Yeona looked at him and shook her head.

Taehyung:I am not asking . I am telling you. Jungkook come.

They go from the room. Yeona turn towards eunwoo.

Yeona:eun I don't want to go.

Eunwoo:yeona you are getting your family back. And you know this was my and jk plan. I call them here only for this. I just can't see you crying all night.

Yeona:what.but why.

Eunwoo:because I want to help my friend.

Yeona:as a friend will you promise me something. You have to tell me true.


Yeona:my friend Rihanna love you so much. You also have feeling fir her. Right ?

Eunwoo:umm I,, I have (shyly)

Yeona:that's it propose her because I am going back to Korea and I don't want you to be alone. And don't forget to say her.

Eunwoo:ok pack your bag. They are leaving.



Taebabies vote na please don't be a silent reader. For me please vote. I am also writing this story from the which I get from my studies please😌

 I am also writing this story from the which I get from my studies please😌

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bye bye taebabies 💜💜💜💜
I purple you all.

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