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Next Morning (6:40)

Yeona woke up and do her morning routine she wear this ⬇️

Yeona woke up and do her morning routine she wear this ⬇️

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(Same hairstyle)

Yeona is going to shopping with her friend Rihanna she come out of her room and slowly close the door. She was going from there but someone call her from behind she flinched she turn around and see eunwoo standing there.

Yeona:ohh.eun you scared me.

Eunwoo:are you going for shopping it is only 7:30.

Yeona:no no first I will go office to take my bag which I left there in my cabin yesterday.

Eunwoo :ok . I am going to my room.

Eunwoo go from there. Yeona come down stairs she start going outside in the garden ⬇️

 Yeona come down stairs she start going outside in the garden ⬇️

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Yeona come out of the mension. She go from there.

At 12:40.

Yeona and Rihanna is in the garden yn is sitting there and Rihanna is looking at yeona because she is thinking about something very deeply

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Yeona and Rihanna is in the garden yn is sitting there and Rihanna is looking at yeona because she is thinking about something very deeply.

Rihanna ⬇️

Rihanna:yeona what happened

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Rihanna:yeona what happened.


Rihanna:you were saying that we will go to shopping.

Yeona:hmm.we will go but after some time.

Yeona see a child crying she stand up and go towards him. She help him in standing up.

Yeona:why are you crying baby.

Child:I f,,fall down.

Yeona:ohh.don't cry ok. Where I your parents.

Child:they are there. Near icecream shop.

Yeona turn and see a couple standing near icecream shop. The couple is back facing them.

Yeona:ok.what is your name.

Child:I am minjun.

(Author:actually yeona don't know that he is jimin son. She even don't know his name )

Yeona:ohh.good name like you. (Smile)

Minjun:aunty my mom and dad is coming come meet them.


Yeona and minjun stand up from there. Rihanna is talking to someone on phone.


Guys bye bye.

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