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Humans are not in control and sometimes they try hard not to make mistakes in life, but no one is perfect who doesn't make mistakes...
Here we have a story about a boy named Taehyung who falls in love with his dance teacher but his love is not true...
Taehyung love is a mistake...
but his dance teacher also falls in love with his slave by breaking his rules and with difficulty regains the broken heart of his slave...
We humans regret the things we do but here, the man of our story Jeon Jungkook who plays with the love of his slave, but later regrets and falls in love with his slave...
But it is too late and this regret breaks the man's heart into pieces day by day...
With thousands of difficulties he gets the heart of his slave which later becomes the reason for his breath...

Heaven in hell

국 속의 지옥



The boy has a very kind family...
Well, We all have a lot of dreams and desires when we are teenagers, but today is one of the best days of his life...
Today the boy turns 18 years old.
His parents live in America, and he lives with his uncle and his cousin named Namjoon, and today is his birthday, so his parents are coming to Korea to celebrate their only son's birthday.
A very big party is held in his uncle's mansion for the boy's birthday, and Taehyung was dressed in red clothes that showed off his body and made his beauty even more...
Finally, his beloved family arrived and after greeting his friends and family, he went to the table where his birthday cake was placed...
He made a wish, blew out the candles, and heard everyone clapping and laughing as everyone congratulated him and hugged him...

Mr kim: Happy birthday my dear son...
Tae: tnx you daddy...
Mrs kim: Happy birthday my dear...
Tae: tnx you so much mom...

The boy said to his parents with a smile and hugged them both tightly...

Tae: I love you sooo much...

They said to each other with a smile and hugged each other

Namjoon: happy birthday Taehungieee...
Tae: tnx you namiii

Finally, their happy gathering ended and after saying goodbye to his school friends, he went to the living room where his father, mother, uncle and cousin were sitting...

Mr kim: Come sit down, my son, I want to talk to you about an important matter...
Tae: Say...
Mrs kim: Well, my son, you finally turned 18 and now you become a big boy. Now it's time for your education, my son, you know that you have to study a lot to become a great character in the future...
Tae : yes mom i know...
Mr kim: Well, my son, now you have to choose a field to study that field...
Tae: Well, I want to become an idol in the future if you don't mind...
Mr kim: Of course, we don't have a problem, my son, study any field you want, we will support you...

He smiled at the kindness of his parents... they always loved him...

Tae: Thank you father, I am really happy that you accepted me to become an idol... I promise you that I will try hard...
Mrs kim: You are very valuable to us, my son... Tomorrow, me and your father will return to America again because of company's work. Don't bother Namjoon and your uncle, and study your lessons...


Finally, the boy was reaching his dreams of becoming an idol, but becoming an idol is not an easy task... he has to work hard...
He had to practice a lot and had to do difficult movements and dances to become one of the most famous idols...
He was dancing in the studio when his dance teacher enter inside the room...
Mr Jack: Well guys, that's enough practice for today, let me introduce you to your new teacher...
Mr Jack: Mr. Jeon Jungkook is your new dance teacher...

The boy looked at the tall man who was standing behind his dance teacher... he was really attractive... his black and dark eyes that sparkled with blackness were an attractive and spectacular goddess that made the little boy's heart tremble with their beauty and darkness...

Jk: Hi boys , I'm Jeon Jungkook, your new dance teacher... I hope I can be a good teacher for you and help you achieve your goals of being an idol...

Even his voice was so beautiful... Taehyung, who was lost in Jungkook's eyes, forgot everything...His heart beat fast and even he lost himself in those eyes...

Jk: So let's start...

Everyone bowed in respect to their new teacher and everyone went to the place where they were dancing and everyone started to practice...

Jk: Taehyung, you're making the wrong moves. look at me you have to move like this...

Jungkook was doing the dance moves and Taehyung was just looking at Jungkook's eyes and movements... The man was really attractive... His black and dark eyes, his big and muscular body, his attractive and scary tattoos, his cool voice, everything about Jungkook was attractive and sexy...

Jk: You know how to do it...?

Taehyung, who was only thinking about Jungkook's body, didn't understand anything because Taehyung was only admiring Jungkook's body...

Jk: I'm talking to you, Taehyung...
Tae: Y...yes, I u..understand, Mr. J..jeon...

Taehyung stuttered and trying to get Jungkook's attractive body out of his mind.

Jk: Is there a problem with my body that you look at me like that?
Tae: N..no, your body is perfectly fine, Mr. J..jeon...

Seeing Taehyung's eyes on his body, Jungkook smirk...

Jk:keep practicing...

Taehyung nodded and walked over to the boys and started dancing again...

After three exhausting hours of practice, their practicing finally over and now everyone had to go to their rooms to rest...

After gathering his things, Taehyung went to his room, but when he heard a sound like moaning from one of the rooms, he become worry and a little bit afraid... he hesitantly went to the room where the moaning was coming from, but as he got closer, the moaning became louder and louder.
He moved his hand towards the door to open it...
He opened the door but with what he saw, fear took over his whole body...

What did Taehyung see...?


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