✫ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 7

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Jungkook didn't like Taehyung... Taehyung was like a toy for Jungkook that was only used to satisfy Jungkook and for Jungkook Taehyung was just a sex slave...
Jungkook loved baby boys and Taehyung was one of those baby boys...

His body was tired from being satisfied twice and he was also very hungry so he went to the kitchen to eat... The mansion was very quiet and silent because Jungkook had leave all the servants because he wanted to spend these two months off with his baby boy to be alone and only play with his baby, Taehyung... He took two noodles and started eating them after heating them...

He knew that Taehyung doesn't have appetite and doesn't eat but he didn't care what Taehyung  doing, Jungkook just wanted Taehyung's body...

When he finished eating, he went to his office to finish his work... he was signing the papers when his phone rang... Jackson had called him (Jockson, Taehyung's past dance teacher )
Jungkook answered the call.

Jackson: hello jungkook how are you
Jungkook: I'm fine, Jackson, how are you?
Jackson: I'm fine too, Jungkook ... is taehyung ok Are you taking care of him?
Jungkook: Why do you ask?
Jackson: Jungkook Taehyung is still a kid he just turned 18, his body is too weak, he can't handle your damn dick...
Jungkook: I know Jackson, don't worry, I'll take care of him.
Jackson: How can I not worry? Everyone who went under you didn't come back alive... Please don't do anything to Taehyung.
Jungkook: Taehyung is happy to be under me and fuck by me, so don't worry, Jackson... I'm  bored right now..bye

Jackson is Jungkook's close friend and he knows all of Jungkook's secrets... Jackson and Jungkook are childhood friends and Jackson tries hard to save Jungkook from this situation...
Jungkook is sadistic and enjoys harming others because Jungkook's father was also sadistic... Jungkook inherited his sadism from his father, and Jackson tries hard to save his best friend Jungkook, from this situation. 

When Jungkook was done to his works he wentt to Taehyung's side and entered the room... He went to the bed and saw Taehyung shaking and moaning...

Tae: P...please d..don't, i..it hu..hurts *crying*
Jk: wake up taehyung
Tae: P...lease don't, it hu...hurts

Jungkook realized that Taehyung was having nightmares and crying, so he went to him and hugged Taehyung's naked body tightly to comfort him.

JK: Wake up my dear, you are having a nightmare
Taehyung jumped up in fear and hugged Jungkook tightly

Tae: j....Jungkook I'm afraid *crying *
JK: Calm down baby you fell asleep... Look, I'm here for you don't be afraid... It was just a nightmare and it's over...
Taehyung: B..but I was so sc..scared...

Jungkook hugged Taehyung tighter and kissed Taehyung's lips softly...

Jk: It's over, baby you won't have bad dreams anymore...I am in front of you.. I will take care of you..
Taehyung: Do you promise to never leave me?

Jungkook thought about Taehyung's words... Jungkook said these words to calm Taehyung, but he didn't like Taehyung... what should he answer? Taehyung is just my sex slave... But when he looked at Taehyung's tearful face, his heart beat doubled... Taehyung was so beautiful... How could Jungkook break Taehyung's little heart...? So he placed a soft kiss on Taehyung's lips and said

Jk: I will always take care of you baby...
Taehyung: I know it sounds very stupid, but I love you so much my Jungkook, I love you so much... I have never been in love, but you are my first love...

Jungkook didn't feel his heart fluttering from Taehyung's words... But the butterflies in his stomach flew... What the hell is this feeling...? Jungkook didn't want to fall in love, but what is Taehyung doing with his heart...?

He looked at Taehyung who was in his warm arms with his naked body... Taehyung was between sleep and wakefulness and pressed himself more to Jungkook to feel the warmth of Jungkook's body more... but Jungkook's thoughts were elsewhere.. On the other hand, his mind was on Taehyung... Taehyung is really beautiful and innocent, but Jungkook... Jungkook is a cruel person who sees pleasure in pain...
Ignoring his thoughts, he kissed Taehyung's lips and closed his eyes to sleep in his baby's arms...


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