✫ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 11

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After going to the park and eating ice cream, they both go to the car and go home...
Taehyung had a great time and was grateful to Jungkook for spending time with him... it was silent on the way until Jungkook spoke.

Jk: Are you sure you are going to see your hyung tomorrow?
Tae: yes i'm sure
Jk: How long will you be there?
Taehyung: I don't know, maybe one or two days
Jungkook: You will only be there for two days and come back to me on the third day.
Taehyung: Ok

It didn't take long to get home. It was dark everywhere and this darkness indicated that it was late night and both of them should sleep...
Taehyung really want to sleep with Jungkook and fall asleep in Jungkook's warm arms, but he didn't know why Jungkook separated his and Taehyung's room...

Jk: Change your clothes and sleep.
I will send you the car tomorrow to go to your hyung, but don't forget that you have to come back on the third day, otherwise I know and you...

Jungkook's tone was very threatening and Jungkook's tone surprised Taehyung. Why was Jungkook so strict?

Taehyung went to his room and after changing into his beautiful pink pajamas that reached to his knees and made Taehyung look even more beautiful, he went to sleep... He was very happy because he will be able to see his hyung tomorrow after two months.


Time skip....

Taehung pov:

Now, after two months‌I am at Namjoon Hyung's house...
I have the key to Namjoon-hyung's house, so I  doesn't have to knock on the door. I opened the door slowly and said happily

Tae: I'm back * happy and cute tone*

Namjoon jumped up at Taehyung's loud voice and happily went to Taehyung and hugged Taehyung's small body tightly...

Namjoon: I missed you so much cousin where have you been these two months, don't you say that I have a cousin who will misses me...?
Tae: I missed you so much too Namjooneee Let's sit down and tell you everything...

Both of them went to the living room and sat on the expensive sofas of Namjoon's house

Nami: So tell me what did you do in these two months? What things did you learn? did you make a friend? are you having fun there?
Tae: Ask one by one, Namjooneee. Yes, I have a lot of fun and I made a lot of friends. We have to be ready for our training every day at seven o'clock... You know Jimin, he is my best friend, I love him very much, he is a very good boy. Can we invite him to come here?
Nami: Of course‌. Call him

Namjoon is very kind and loves Taehyung, who is his cousin. Taehyung grew up with Namjoon and they are very close.

Taehyung called Jimin and after two hours Jimin came with them. Each of them had a great time and ate well and spent hours...

The two days passed very quickly and he had a lot of fun with Namjoon and Jimin during these two days. He said to live Namojoon that he will live with his friend and Namjoon also agreed... He was very sorry that he had lied to Namjoon that Jungkook was his friend... He didn't know if he should have told the truth or not...


Today was the third day and Taehyung had to go back to Jungkook... He drove Jimin's car towards Jungkook's house and after reaching Jungkook's house he went to Jimin and hugged his dear friend tightly.

Tae: I will miss you so much Jiminshhhhi...
I'll see you after the vacation... call me when you are free * cute tone*
Jimin::I will miss you too Taehyungshee okey  I will call you...

He hugged his friend again and after kissing Jimin right cheek, he waved to him and went to the door of Jungkook's house.

He opened the door of the house slowly, but what he saw scared him...
He saw Jungkook staring at Taehyung with his red eyes that showed anger...

Jk: Didn't I say stay away from Jimin?
Tae: H...e is my f..friend, what is the p...problem?
Jk: Oh, he is your friend? Which friend did you see kissing his friend cheek?

Jungkook said angrily and looked into Taehyung's scared eyes... he had told  Taehyung several times that dont get close with jimin, but Taehyung had disobeyed him and even kissed his cheek...

Tae: Jimin is just my friend I just kissed his cheek it's nothing a bad thing...

Jungkook, who could no control his anger anymore, went to Taehyung and pinned his body tightly to the door.

Jk: I told you not to get close to Jimin and you disobeyed my order baby...

Jungkook said angrily and  pressed his lips to Taehyung's...
He was passionately kissing Taehyung's lips and didn't pay attention to Taehyung's moans as he struggled to break the kiss... Taehyung was too weak against Jungkook's muscular body...
He pressed Taehyung's body tightly to his and deepened the kiss, which made Taehyung open his mouth and Jungkook put his tongue in Taehyung's wet and warm mouth... tasting every part of Taehyung's mouth with lust.

He left Taehyung's lips and  said angrily

Jk: You are a bad baby boy and you need to be punished to learn  to disobey your daddy...
Tae: N...no, J...jungkook, please don't p...punish me

Taehyung said fearfully because he didn't want Jungkook to fuck  him hard again  because Jungkook's dick was too big for Taehyung and  Jungkook's dick size scares Taehyung a lot.

Jk : Bad baby boys should be punished to learn... You should also be punished to stay away from Jimin.

Tae: I...I  s..swear i  won't be close to J...jimin a..again I promise, Daddy  please don't punish me...

Taehyung said fearfully and tearfully looked into Jungkook's wild eyes, but Jungkook only smirked at him.

Jk: It's too late now baby. Daddy should punish you so that you don't disobey anymore...

Jungkook said and took Taehyung's lips again and sucked hard...


Taehyung is leading a very hard sex :)

To be continue...


      ᵇʸ ℯ𝓁𝓁𝒾ℯ𝓃

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