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Seeing the scene in front of his eyes, he put his hand on his mouth to prevent his voice from coming out...
He saw Mr. Jeon on top of a boy with a completely naked body... He couldn't see the boy's face in the dark because the boy's eyes were closed with a piece of cloth and only his mouth was open and his body was completely naked and he was moaning Jungkook's name with pleasure.
Jungkook's eyes fell on Taehyung and felt Taehyung's presence in the room...
Taehyung was afraid that Mr Jeon saw him... Taehung close the door with fear and quickly ran to his room and after locking the door, he sat on the floor and took deep breaths to reduce his fear...

He couldn't believe what he saw at all... Why did Master Jeon strip that boy...? Why were the boy's eyes closed? Why was he moaning with pleasure and wanting more from Jungkook...? Why are both of them naked?

The answer to all these questions was clear, they had sex, but sex with cruelty?
This is the answer that we know, but Taehyung did not understand anything about sex at all...

Taehyung was a pure and innocent baby boy who didn't understand anything about sex because he was always busy with his childish games and didn't have time to understand such things at all...
He was just scared because he didn't know why Mr Jeon had tied the boy up with rope, and  understand something like that was too hard for a teenage boy to understand...
Taehyung had just turned 18, but eighteen is not very old age...

He got up from where he was sitting and went to the bathroom and after washing his body, he moved to the bed...
He closed his eyes, but the scene of seeing Jungkook with that boy came to his mind again...
If he wasn't lying, he has been very jealous... Does Mr Jeon have a boyfriend...? Why should Taehung be jealous of that boy...
But he wished that he was in that boy's place.
With the wish he made, he cursed himself and his wish and pushed away ridiculous and meaningless thoughts and fell asleep with great difficulty and exhaustion...


Feeling the sun, he opened his eyes and got up from his bed... After brushing his teeth and face, he went to his small kitchen to have his breakfast and go back to his exercises... Taehyung was always on time. He always woke up on time and did all his work at the end of the day... because Taehyung had promised his family that he would work hard to become a famous and successful idol...

After eating his breakfast, he washed the dishes and left his room and went to his best friend ( Jimin) room.

He opened the door of Jimin's room and looked at Jimin who was sleeping in the most funny position . He laughed at his crazy friend and went to him and threw himself on top of Jimin...

jimin pov:
He screamed at the feeling of the light body above his body

Taehung: Wake up Jimin, wake up wake up wake up...

Taehyung was singing like a song and forcing Jimin to wake up...

Jimin: Taehyung waking up, stop tickling me so much...

Taehyung gave a cute laugh and got up from Jimin...

Tae: Good mOrNiNgggg....

Taehyung said with a voice full of energy and a childish tone and looked at jimin...

Jimin: How can you be so energetic in morning Taehyung?

Jimin asked his energetic friend in a sleepy tone and looked at his friend who is like his brother.

Tae:Well, I'm always full of energy Jiminshi... did you have breakfast...? Go put on your clothes, our training will start in a few minutes...

Jimin looked at the clock and screamed when he saw it because he was late and he is still not ready...He got up in a hurry and went to the bathroom and washed his face quickly...

Jimin: Why didn't you wake me up...?

Taehyung was laughing at Jimin's funny moves and looking at his crazy friend...

Tae: I woke you up Jimin...
Jimin: OK, I'm ready, let's go...
Tae: Hehehe ok let's go...
Jimin: What are you laughing at?
Tae: hehehhe nothing nothing lets goooo...

Taehyung said with energy and went to the studio with his dear friend...
Taehyung was always like that, full of energy... he was always happy and always tried to make his friends happy... Jimin was one of his best friends and Taehyung loved Jimin a lot because Jimin always helped him....

He went to the studio with Jimin, and when he saw teacher Jeon, he remembered the scenes of last night again... Jungkook was looking at Taehyung's beautiful eyes with his dark eyes, which scared Taehyung...
Jimin, who didn't notice Jungkook's looks at Taehyung, remembered that he forgot his water bottle and left the room, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook alone...
Jungkook, who made sure that the room was empty and only himself and Taehyung were there, slowly walked towards Taehyung and pinned the Taehyung's light body to the door...

Jk: What were you doing in my room last night?

Taehyung, who was scared of Jungkook's movement, stuttered  and tried to push Jungkook away from him, but Jungkook was too strong and didn't move...

Jk: Answer my question Taehyung... What were you doing in my room last night...?
Tae: I... iwas just going to my r...room when I heard m...moaning and I got worried...And then I saw you. believe me, I didn't know that the voices belonged to you and that boy...
Jk :You won't tell anyone about what you saw last night, okay baby...?
Jk: o..okey...

Hearing Taehyung's answer, Jungkook moved his head near Taehyung's neck and smelled Taehyung's perfume...

Jk : Do you want to be like that boy under me...?
Tae: w..what...?
Jk: My question is clear, baby, do you want me to strip you and touch you...? Do you want to kiss you? Do you want to make your body mine?

Jungkook asked in his deep voice and started to touch Taehyung's small and delicate body and looked at Taehyung who was looking at him...

Jk: do you like to call me daddy...?

Taehyung was embarrassed by Jungkook's sudden question and Jungkook's touches on his body. He slowly nodded his head in agreement and saw Jungkook's dark eyes and smirk, and he fell in love with that attractive man more than yesterday...

Jk: Does that mean you accepted...?
Tae: Y..yes

Jk pov:
After getting a positive answer from Taehyung, he smirked and kissed Taehyung's neck gently and took his little hands and  took him to the same room where Taehyung saw him with the that boy yesterday.
He threw Taehyung's light body on the bed and locked the door...

He turned to Taehyung's trembling and scared body...

Tae:W..what are you doing Jungkook?
Jk: I want to play with you baby... I'm sure you'll enjoy it too...

Jungkook said and went to Taehyung, he put his heavy body on top of Taehyung's light body and holding Taehyung's beautiful face in his big hands, he slowly brought his lips close to Taehyung's lips and started kissing Taehyung's delicious lips...

Taehyung  pov:

He closed his eyes with the feeling of Jungkook's warm and delicious lips... this was his first kiss and he didn't know how to kiss... Jungkook was kissing his lips slowly.
He wrapped his small hands around Jungkook's neck and deepened the kiss so that he could kiss Jungkook's lips more... he moaned softly as he felt Jungkook's tongue inside his mouth...

This is the beginning of their sex... Will this sex between Taehyung and Jungkook go smoothly...? 
Everything will be revealed in the next part....
Wait for part 3
And vote and comment so that I can post part 3...


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