✫ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 12

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Taehyung moaned as his back hit the wall and looked into Jungkook's eyes...
Jungkook stood a short distance from Taehyung's lips and lifted Taehyung's light body in one movement and went to his bedroom.
He put Taehyung's body on the bed and went to the wall closet  in his room. Taehyung was shaking in fear, he knew that Jungkook is not kidding with him and he would definitely punish him severely, remembering the size of Jungkook's dick he open his eyes again in fear and looked at Jungkook who comes near Taehyung with some new objects...

Taehyung: W...what a...are these d..daddy?
Jk: Gag , vibrator, handcuffs ... * smirk*

Taehyung didn't know what those things were use for, but he was still afraid...
Jungkook went near Taehyung and took off his and Taehyung's clothes in one movement...
Taehyung was very scared... no matter how hard he tried not to shake but he is still shaking. Taehyung is afraid of Jungkook who is  his "Daddy" who was always a master of his words...

Jungkook took off both of their clothes and tied Taehyung's milky white hands on top of the bed and did the same with his legs. After making sure that Taehyung couldn't do anything but moan, he went to the boy's lips but before kissing his lips he looked at Taehyung's scared and tearful face and if he wasn't lying, Taehyung's miss  face would have been enough to make jk cum...
Jungkook connected his lips to Taehyung's vanilla lips and started to kiss hard... so hard and biting that Taehyung's lips were completely red and he could taste the taste of blood from Taehyung's lips... aftar a long rough kiss he ignored Taehyung's bloody lips and miss moans he went to Taehyung's milky and bony neck, and started biting Taehyung's neck and leaving red marks.

Tae: a...ahggggg d..daddy p..please e..enough

But Jungkook ignoring Taehyung's moans he just suck his neck... by taking Taehyung's right breast in his mouth and rubbing Taehyung's left breast in his hand, Taehyung's moans became louder and a loud scream was made with Jungkook's movements and contractions in his breasts. 

Tae: ahhhhhhhh...p..please d,..don't ahhh j..jungkoook...ah..I..I..can't...please...I I'm s...sorry * cry *

But Jungkook ignoring Taehyung and just sucked his little breasts wildly and rolled his  breasts in his hands. 
With shortness of breath he separated his head from Taehyung and looked at Taehyung's tearful eyes... he didn't want to see tears in those eyes, but Taehyung himself made him... he told Taehyung not to be close to Jimin but Taehyung refused.
He had disobeyed...
Jungkook was not the one to forgive anyone for their sins. Jungkook is one of the biggest and most powerful mafia in Korea... Mafia are always cruel...

He moved his hand to his own cock and started pumping his big cock and after know that his cock is ready, he went to Taehyung and placed his cock on Taehyung's tight and unprepared hole... he made his cock enter Taehyung's tight hole with his movement.

Tae: Ahhhhhhhhhhh...Ah
Jk: Oh yeesse humm babe

Taehyung was not ready and he endured a lot of pain for the dryness of his penis and Jungkook was just enjoying...
* In order to enter bottom hole, bottom must first be prepared, his penis should be wet with a lob or something else so that he does not feel much pain when the dick enters but here Jungkook did not prepare Taehyung that is he entered Taehyung dry which means entering  dry it will be very painful for bottom*

Tae: Ahhhghhhhhh d..daddy... i..it hurts....aAhhhhhhhh
I..I'm sorry... please ...please.. please... I..I...w..won't...g...get cl...close to J.. jimin again..Afhhhhh please s..slow

Taehyung apologized stammering but Jungkook couldn't get past Taehyung's hot and tight hole...
Taehyung was just Jungkook's slave and Jungkook had no mercy for his slaves especially when his slaves disobeyed his orders and now Taehyung has disobeyed the orders of his master or owner.

Yeah. Jungkook owns Taehyung and Taehyung's body completely belongs to Jungkook, this is part of the contract between Taehyung and Jungkook.

Jungkook gave his cruel trusts inside Taehyung and with each trusts of  Jungkook, Taehyung's body shook and with each trust of Jungkook he let out a loud and painful moan...
Taehyung's body is in a lot of pain and endures a lot of pain... In a way, Jungkook was raping Taehyung and this is not good  for Taehyung's little heart who was in love with the cruel man in front of him, who mercilessly trusts inside his tight hole.

Tae: P....please, I...I...can't t...take i...it any...anymore...* cry *
Jk: ah yes You must not disobey my orders...* frown *
Tae: I...it won't h...happen again p...please I c..can't b...bear it...anymore *crying hard*

But Jungkook ignoring Taehyung's words and resumed his trusts. With a frown on his forehead that makes him even more attractive he looked at taehung who was moaning loudly and crying in pain.

Tae: Ahhh.ah..ah...hemmm...j..jungkook... please
Jk: ahh yes I'm gonna cum ahh babeee

Sensing that he is close he made his trusts faster and quickly pumped into Taehyung's body which made Taehyung's moans louder. With two more hard trusts he cum inside the Taehyung's hole and put his tired  body on top of Taehyung's weak body...

TAE pov:

With the feeling of the hot liquid that filled my cavity I took a deep breath from the pain and looked at Jungkook's heavy body which was now on top of me...
seeing his wet and sweaty hair and his back muscles that were up and down due to shortness of breath.
I could have looked and cursed myself for falling in love with this man...

Jungkook doesn't love me
and it hurts
One-sided love is always painful...

Taehyung has no value for Jungkook 
Taehyung is just Jungkook's puppet who is here at Jungkook's house just to satisfy Jungkook's dick.

He just wanted to cry because of his worthlessness in front of Jungkook...
It is very difficult to be worthless...
We live in a world where if you care about someone they think you need them...


But here we have a boy who fell in love with a man who is not the reason for his laughter... but the reason for his pains sorrows and cries... 

I wish love was as pure as its name...


Wait for next part....


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