Soothe (Pat/Non) - Behind the Wall

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Author's note: Part 21/??

Non was already tucked in the bed, looking helplessly at the white ceiling. All the sleepiness disappeared after the conversation with Grandmother Chor. He was anxious yet excited to meet Pat at the fair. The door suddenly opened, and Nonsee jumped in surprise. His angry-looking mother stomped inside the room, glaring at him. Non was confused. There was no reason for her to visit his bedroom this late.

"Mother?" He whispered as he pulled himself up to the sitting position. 

"Where were you all day?" She snapped at him. Nonsee shifted uncomfortably under her intense gaze.

"Greenhouse and I took a walk after I was done."  

The silence from his mother made him nervous. She scanned him up and down, waking up the uneasiness in him. 

"Why are you suddenly so interested in our compound?" Tawan continued with her interrogation. Nonsee didn't know how to answer that. He couldn't tell her the truth and was too shocked to create a believable lie. 

"If you think you can escape, you are wrong." She snorted. 

"From now on, you are not allowed to roam around. After the work in greenhouses, you are returning straight to the house." 

"But mother." 

"Shut it. I don't want to hear a word from you." The woman pointed at him before she left. Nonsee stared at the door flabbergasted. Did his mother just put him under house arrest? The tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to spill. How will he meet Pat now? Non slid under the covers, sobbing. 

There was nothing to soothe his aching heart now. 

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