Recover (Khai/Third)

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No one saw it coming, not even Third himself. The HOD gang was chilling at their usual spot at the university when one of their juniors interrupted them. Khai didn't like the young boy at all. He often followed his boyfriend, asking for help with this and that. It was painfully obvious he had a crush on Third. Khai didn't blame him. His boyfriend was pretty, cute, intelligent, and handsome. Though Khai and Third were in a serious relationship, and everyone on the campus knew it, the guy didn't care. So when he asked Third for a private talk, Khai perked up. He didn't want Third to be alone with him, but his other half stopped him. Khai groaned, watching them leave. Ultimately, the nervousness won over the request from his boyfriend, and Khai went after them. 

The nearer he came to where they stood, the more he heard the desperate voice of the young man and Third's cold tone. Knowing his boyfriend, Khai quickened his step.

"But I like you, P'Third." The boy said. Khai frowned as his guess was confirmed. 

"Sorry, nong. I already have a boyfriend who I love. And I don't have an intention of leaving him, ever." Third's answer summoned a smile on Khais's face. He walked from behind the corner just in time to see the boy hitting Third in the chest. His boyfriend stepped back, not realizing how close he was to the staircase. Khai moved forward, but it was too late. Third's foot missed the step, and he lost balance. Time froze for Khai, watching Third's tiny body roll down the stairs. It was like a scene from a horror movie. And Khai hated horror movies.

Before Khai could recover from the shock, someone familiar was already holding Third's damaged body in his arms. The blood was streaming down Third's temple, and his left leg was twisted at an unnatural angle. A painful moaning woke him up from the support, and he flew down. He knelt beside Third and pulled him out of Un's grasp. The taller male didn't protest and proceeded to call an ambulance instead. The tears streamed down Khai's face as he held his boyfriend close.  

"Third, can you hear me?" He asked, his voice trembling. 

"It hurts." Third, whimpered. 

"I know. Un is calling an ambulance. You will be okay soon." Khai caressed Third's pale face. He didn't know if the assurance was for Third or himself. 

"Don't cry." Third, tried to smile.

"I don't like when you cry." He added. Khai nodded, returning the smile. 

"I am not crying." He lied. Third, huffed and groaned again when the pain shot through his body. Khai squeezed him lightly, assuring him he was by his side. Soon, Bone and Two appeared all worried and teary. They tried to get closer to Third, but Khai didn't let them. Thankfully, Un helped him keep Bone and Two at a safe distance. Even though Khai hated the tall, masculine man, he would have to thank him later when Third was safe and sound. 

A few hours later, Third was sleeping in the hospital bed with a cast on his leg and a bandage on his head. Khai held his hand tightly, relieved his other half was safe.

It couldn't be said about the junior, though. 

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