A rough night!

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Tristan has had the alarm set for every two hours. He has gotten up and checked on both of his babies throughout the night. They both kept running fevers. He would wake them up to do Motrin and then wet their foreheads with a cool wash rag. He is tired and exhausted when they finally get up. He tries to get up with them and Blake lays him down. Gabe goes to the bathroom. Blake kisses him on the forehead. 

(B) We can do breakfast. You sleep until eleven. You said our appointments are at twelve thirty. We will wake you up. 

(T) Ok.

(G) I love you bubba. 

(T) I love you. 

Tristan lays down and he is fast asleep. The two boys take off downstairs and start making breakfast. They decide to go easy, and they make cereal and do a banana. They eat their breakfast and Blake takes his morning medicine. He goes upstairs and he checks on Tristan. He is running a fever. They take his shorts and shirt off. They wet his head with a wet wash rag, and they get him some Tylenol. They decide to let him sleep a little longer. 

Blake feels bad he got everyone sick. Gabe and Blake go to Gabe's room, and they lay on his bed to watch tv. The set an alarm for eleven and they cuddle, and they both fall back asleep. The alarm goes off and they get up and wake Tristan up. All the boys take a shower in Tristan's shower. They get dressed and they head downstairs to the truck. They all get in and they head to the doctor. 

They get there and Tristan signs everyone in. They all sit and wait for the nurse to call them back. They call all three boys back at the same time. They do their weight and they put them in a room. They come in and do a test for strep and flu. They also draw some blood from each of the boys and they wait for the doctor to come in. The doctor finally knocks, and the Doctor(D) and Tristan(T) will do all the talking. 

(D) So, Blake is negative for the flu and strep. You two have come back positive. I am going to prescribe some medicine and we are going to do shots today. You may feel crummy for a few days. Blake should be getting over it soon. 

(T) Ok, what about the dizziness with Blake? 

(D) Everything looks normal as far as the labs. I think him not just eating for a few days and being dehydrated did it. I need you to try and get him to eat and drink some more. Do some Gatorade if you need to and some protein shakes. That will get some calories in. I am also going to send in some medicine for an upset stomach and nausea. I think that will help with the appetite. 

(T) Thank you so much. 

(D) I am going to send the nurse in. We will do shots. One in both cheeks. I know they may hurt a little, but it will help clear it up faster. 

(T) Ok. 

The doctor leaves and the nurse comes in. She gives Tristan his shots first and then Gabe gets his. They get the prescriptions, and they head to the truck. They get in and head to the pharmacy. Tristan puts a mask on and walks inside. He buys some drinks, and he grabs the meal replacement drinks. He brings everything to the truck and sits it up front with him. They head towards the house, and they all carry the items inside. Tristan gets everyone's medicine ready, and he gets three cups with ice, and they do a protein shake. He decides they can take a nap if they are tired. All three boys will talk. Tristan(T), Gabe(G), and Blake(B).

(T) Ok, do you want to take a nap?

(G) Yes. 

(B) I do too. 

(T) Ok, let's go slide something else on. I suggest some shorts and a t-shirt. 

(G) Ok.

(B) That works for me. 

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