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The bus trip from New York to Gale Town, Texas was about fifty hours with two rest stops. I'm nearly dead on my feet and my back is killing me.

When the kind, handsome, stranger offered me not only a place to stay but a job, I nearly choked. I don't know if I'm just broken or what but I don't feel afraid of him.

He's easily the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on. He's tall, easily towering over me but then again pretty much everyone towers over me. My head barely reaches his chest as we leave the diner and head to his huge gray 'king ranch' truck. He has light brown hair under his cowboy hat and tan skin from being outside. His nose looks like it's been broken before and his arms are the size of both my legs put together. He's a large man with stacks of muscles from working on a ranch, I'm assuming that's what it's from. I can't picture this virile man lifting weights in a commercial gym. The idea almost makes me giggle.

We get to the passenger's side of his truck and before I can try to figure a way for me to get in, he lifts me up by my hips and sets me down on the seat. The wounds on my back get jostled during this so I cry out unexpectedly, which causes him to panic.

"Baby, are you ok? Did I hurt you? Fuck, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." He pleads frantically.

"No, no, it's not your fault. My back is just a bit sore from the trip, I'm fine I promise." I don't want him to think I won't be able to work. I can't lose the one opportunity I have to make money.

"Are you sure, baby? I'll be more careful." He looks as if me being in pain is hurting him too. I just nod my head.

"Thank you so much Mr. Brooks for this opportunity. I don't know what I would have done tonight if you hadn't offered me a place to stay." I tell him sincerely as he climbs into the driver's seat and we leave. His knuckles turn white on the steering wheel from his tight grip.

"Call me Nash, please, baby. I don't even want to think about you being out on the street. Where are you from and did you fly in or take a bus?" He keeps calling me baby and every time he does it makes my stomach flutter like a swarm of butterflies have taken flight. I have to keep reminding myself that it's not a personal endearment. It's just his southern charm coming out, I'm sure.

"Bus, and I'm from New York." I tell him quietly. He's really gone out of his way to help me, a complete stranger, so he deserves to know a little about me.

"Christ sweetheart. You have to be exhausted. Let's get you home and you can rest. I'll show you around tomorrow and we can discuss everything then." He tells me, leaving no room for argument so I just nod my head.

We drive down a long driveway and come to a stop in front of the most beautiful house I've ever seen. It's a single story log home with a huge wrap-around porch. You can see open land for miles upon miles. It's absolutely beautiful.

"Do you like it, baby?" Nash asks me, pulling me from my gaping.

"It's beautiful Nash, absolutely gorgeous." I tell him honestly. A look of pure satisfaction comes over his face at my words. He must have a lot of pride in his home, and he should. I could only dream of ever having a home like this for myself.

He comes around the truck and opens my door before reaching around me and unbuckling my seat belt. "I could have done that." I tell him softly.

"I know, but I wanted to." He tells me with a soft look on his face. He gently helps me down from the truck and grabs my luggage before we make our way inside.

If I thought the outside was beautiful, it doesn't hold a flame to the inside. It's huge! It has exposed beams up top, a wide open concept throughout and the kitchen is to die for! Like the un-classy person I am; I squeal in delight as I do a full three sixty spin just checking out the place. "Nash! Your home is lovely." I tell him honestly.

He cups my face, stopping my wide eyes from roaming around everywhere. "I'm so glad you like it baby, this is your home now too." He tells me with a look in his eyes I've never seen before. A look that makes my stomach flutter and my chest feel full.

We just stand there staring into each other's eyes before he clears his throat and backs away from me. For some reason I hate the distance between us now. I want his hands back on me and I don't want his eyes anywhere else but locked onto me. Silly, I'm being so silly right now. The first handsome guy I come across who shows me an ounce of kindness and I act like a starving stray animal in need of love and affection.

"I'll show you to the guest room and you can lie down and get some sleep, baby. I can see the exhaustion in your eyes." He tells me as he shows me to a door.

"This is the guest room and right across from you is my room. If at any time you need me for anything at all, don't hesitate to come get me. I mean it Alice, anything. Okay?" He tells me in a tone that lets me know he means it. I nod my head. "Words Alice, I need your words baby." He sternly tells me.

"I understand Nash." I quietly tell him.

He opens up the door to my room and we walk in. He sets my belongings down on the bed for me and tells me to relax before he reaches for my hand and gently squeezes it before walking out and softly closing the door behind him.

The room is large with a king sized bed in the middle and a dresser on the wall facing the foot of the bed. There's a large window with floor to ceiling curtains covering it and a sitting chair in the corner by the window with a lamp for reading. There are two other doors in here, one is a walk-in closet and the other leads to a full sized bathroom. The bathroom has a claw-foot tub, a glass door shower with a large showerhead, a toilet, and a vanity sink. If this is to all be mine while staying here I can definitely be a happy woman.

I get in the shower and push through the awful pain the wounds on my back are causing me. I feel so gross and filthy from the long journey that waiting another moment to get clean just wasn't an option. I wash my hair and use some conditioner. Thanking my lucky stars that this bathroom was fully stocked already.

I use some body wash on a washcloth and scrub my skin until it's raw. I can't reach my back so I just let the water run down it hoping it cleans it enough to prevent any infection.

I dry off after the shower and put on some panties and pink sleep shorts. I can't handle anything else touching my back right now and the ace bandage is filthy so putting it back on isn't an option right now.

I wash the bandage in the sink with some soap and water and leave it out to dry while I'm sleeping, that way it's ready for tomorrow.

I lay down on my stomach on the bed and as soon as my head hits the softest pillow in the world I'm out. My body is beyond exhausted, after some much needed rest I should be good to go in the morning. 

Protecting Her 18+ (Her Series book one)Where stories live. Discover now