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I should feel bad for fucking her like a savage. But I don't. I lost control, but she was right there with me. There's no doubt in my mind that she was made for me, just as I was made for her.

I can sense the doubt that runs through her mind. She fears losing this, of it not lasting, she's insecure about her past. I can practically read her emotions on her face. But I'm going to prove it to her, force her to accept this thing between us fully. Make her embrace in the madness just as I have.

We still haven't discussed not using condoms. Truthfully, each time I've enjoyed coating her pussy in my cum. It's completely irresponsible. I should be ashamed, but I'm not. I feel like a fucking caveman.

My cell ringing rouses me from my comfort. Alice is passed out after my savage claiming. I gently remove myself from the bed, trying not to wake her. I grab my phone from the nightstand and answer it as I walk out the bedroom door and softly close it behind me.


"Hey bro, we have a big fucking problem." Levi answers, sending me on high alert.

"Tell me." I order.

"A report came in today. A missing person's alert." He pauses, and I can tell he doesn't want to finish telling me.

"Tell me, Levi." I growl. But I already fucking know.

"It was for Alice. My secretary, Josie, saw it before I did and she called the number. She saw Alice in the diner when she came to town. She told the number from New York that Alice is here." He pauses. "He's coming man, he's coming for Alice."

"He won't fucking touch her." I ground out through gritted teeth. Fury like never before lashes through me. I will protect her with my dying breath.

"Agreed. Brother. I'll call the others. We'll be ready. You just take care of that sweet girl of yours. I'll keep watch and call if anything comes up. From everything Alice has told us, we should expect him here soon." His tone is just as deadly as mine. My brothers have fully embraced Alice. She's the little sister they never had. She's become family, and no one fucks with the Brooks.

"She's not to know about any of this. I'm just now getting her to realize that she belongs to me. This will send her running in some misguided attempt to protect me. Relay the message to the others, she's to remain in the dark."

"You got it, brother. I'll be in touch." He says before the call ends.

That piece of shit excuse for a father will die right here in GaleTown. If he's dumb enough to come looking for her, then that's on him. It saves me the trouble of having to track him down in New York. He was going to die, regardless. After what he did to my woman, He signed his own death warrant. I just hate that he's going to be stepping foot in her new town, breathing the same air as her, walking where she walks, encroaching on her new life.

He will be stopped if it's the last thing I fucking do. The woman who owns my heart and soul deserves the fucking world. She'll never be truly free until her past is laid to rest. And he will be. On the fucking pig farm, leaving no traces behind.

Protecting Her 18+ (Her Series book one)Where stories live. Discover now