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I'm jolted awake and a sense of dread slithers through my spine. I don't know what woke me up, but my heart is racing and my anxiety spikes.

I feel Nash's side of the bed, but he's not there. It's still warm, so he's probably in the bathroom. I climb out of bed and look for him. I've noticed I can't sleep without being in his arms.

I check the bathroom but he's not there. I hear a crash from the living room and my muscles lock up tight. I do my best to push the panic away. It's probably nothing. Nash probably just dropped a cup while getting some water. That's all.

Still, I go to the closet and grab the pistol he keeps on top of the rack. Just in case. I walk out of the room and slowly make my way to where I heard the noise. I'm glad I brought the gun.

I see Nash kneeling on the ground with his hands on his head, staring with pure hatred at my father.

"You can't have her, you sick fuck. She's not yours. You'll fucking die like the piece of shit you are!" Nash snarls. He doesn't have an ounce of fear on his face, just unleashed rage.

"That little bitch is mine! My wife died and left Alice with me. She knew I needed a woman to replace her. Alice is a part of her. The only person dying here is you, cowboy. You have a lot to say for a man on his knees with a gun aimed at his head." My father snarls.

Nash notices me standing here, his eyes go big before he schools his expression and looks back to my father. He subtly shakes his head no, only for me to notice.

"I'm going to punish her like the brat she is if she let you get between her legs. I'll put a bullet between your eyes and drag her out here by her hair and fuck her on top of your corpse." He laughs like the psychopath he is.

My whole body is shaking like a leaf. I've never shot a gun before but I don't have a choice now. It's him or Nash and in no life would I ever let Nash die.

I raise the gun and aim it at the back of my father's head. I bite my lip to keep the whimpers in. This is going to change me. He's evil and needs to die, but I know killing someone will change me. I let out a breath as I pull the trigger.

It clicks. No. No.

It wasn't loaded.

My father turns around when he hears the click of the empty gun. He aims his gun at me with a sick smile on his face.

Before he has a chance to fully face me, Nash tackles him to the ground. He bashes his head into the floor and pins his arm that's holding the gun to the ground. My father snarls as Nash takes his gun and aims it at his head. He doesn't even hesitate before he pulls the trigger.

Blood sprays and my ears ring. My legs give out, but I don't take my eyes off of the scene. Nash's back is heaving with his heavy breathing. My father's eyes are completely vacant as they stare right at me. He's dead. Finally.

Nash gets up and sets the gun on the table before he comes to me. He kneels down in front of me and gently cups my face in his hands.

"Baby." He says in a broken whisper as he looks into my eyes.

"It's finally over." I whisper. He nods his head.

"I'm sorry, baby. So fucking sorry." I look at him incredulously.

"What are you sorry for? He was going to kill you because of me." I tell him.

"Baby, you were going to kill him. I'm so sorry I failed you. I put you in a position where you had to kill someone." I shake my head furiously at him.

"No, Nash. He put me in that position, and I don't regret my choice. You killed him. I'm sorry I made you do that. I didn't know the gun didn't have bullets in it." I feel so stupid. I should have checked.

"Baby, you gave me the opening I needed. You saved me just as much as I saved you." He kisses my lips. "I love you so much and I'm so proud of you for being brave, baby." He stands up and holds his hand out for me to take.

I don't look back at my father's body as we go outside. The fresh air feels good on my sweaty skin. As the adrenaline leaves my body, I start to shake again. Nash picks me up and sits me on his lap as he sits on the porch swing. He runs his fingers through my scalp as he kisses my cheeks, nose, eyes, and lips.

He fishes his phone from his pocket after we pull apart and I lay my head on his chest. I know I'm in shock, but I'm no longer scared. My nightmare is gone.

"Levi." Nash says in a grim tone on the phone. I can't hear whatever Levi is saying.

"Call the guys, we need a cleanup at my house." He continues to stroke my hair. "Yeah. It's over." He kisses my forehead. "I don't know how. I heard a noise outside and went to check it. I came back in and he was there." Another pause and he wraps his free arm around my waist and holds me tighter. "She's fine. In shock but she'll be fine. I'll make sure of it." He grunts and then he hangs up.

"Guys will be here soon. When we're done, it will be like tonight never happened. You don't have to be afraid anymore, baby." He whispers in my ear.

"How did he get inside?"

"I don't know, baby. My brothers have been watching the town for any newcomers. He never showed up in town. Josie, Levi's receptionist, must have told him you were staying with me when she called and told him you were here. He had to have been camping out undetected on the property until night. Watching. I heard a noise outside that woke me up and went to investigate, thinking it was racoons getting into the trash. He must have come inside while I was out here. When I went back in, he had a gun aimed at me and made me get on my knees after we struggled a bit. I broke a vase during the struggle, hoping the noise would wake you if our shouting didn't. I hoped you would understand what was happening and you would hide somewhere safe." He tells me the last part with a small smile.

"Sorry. I would never let you face my nightmare alone. We're a team. Right?" His smile gets bigger, making one appear on my face.

"Yeah, baby. We protect each other. You and me. For the rest of forever." He strokes my cheeks.

"I love you, Nash."

"I love you, Alice."

He kisses me with passion, holding me close, until Levi, River, Colt, and Wilder pull up.

The shaking has stopped and all I feel now is relief and complete happiness. Fate brought me to GaleTown, to Nash. This is where I belong, where I was always meant to be.

Protecting Her 18+ (Her Series book one)Where stories live. Discover now