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The rain bashed the glass windows and the lightning lit up the rooms as the thunder shook the Earth 

A couple walked through the doors of the Serenity Mansion in a hurry 

The man held a child in a bundle of fabric close to his chest

The woman called for the physician as they brought the young child to an empty room. 

A young duo of children stood at the top of the stairs watching their parents as they walked down the stairs and followed them to the room watching from the outside 

"Harper what is going on?" a young girl - Serena Serenity - said as she held onto her brother - Harper Serenity's - arm 

"I don't know...I think Mother and Father found a sick child..." Harper replied 

"Oh no! Will the child be okay...?" Serena trailed off as she peered into the room

The physician looked to the couple before speaking 

"She has a high fever probably caused by the weather and injuries on her feet and legs....additionally, she is malnourished. She's wearing the clothes of a noble but she isn't withholding a family crest on her so I am unable to identify what family she comes from..." 

"I see..." the blond woman spoke as she looked down at the girl in pity

The man sighed before speaking "We found her on the side of the road in the tree line completely passed out...there nothing nearby and no parents were around her...could she have run away?"

The physician rubbed his forehead 

"It is a possibility and she is quite young...she can't be older than 6 or 7.." 

"Well, we'll take care of her until we find an answer for this" 

"Yes, I agree" the blond woman agreed, "But, lets speak to our children about this" 

"Of course" the man replied 

They walked out of the room leaving the maids to take care of the girl momentarily as the informed Serena and Harper about the girl 

"So will she be our sister?" Serena asked 

"Maybe so" the mother of the children replied "but if we find her family and she does want to return, she will have to" 

"I see..." Harper replied "When will she recover?" 

"She will fully recover in about a few months" the father of the children replied 

"Until then she must be on bed rest" he added "but she will become a member of our family if she doesn't wish to return to her original family" 

"If she wishes not to return then she will become a Serenity"

"If she wishes not to return then she will become a Serenity"

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