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Y/N rested on Serena's shoulder as she slept. All the crying had ended up lulling her to sleep. 

Serena had wrapped her arm around Y/N's shoulders holding her close. Victor's henchmen were speaking outside 

"No, not at all. The younger one one is asleep and the older one isn't saying a word. She's keeping a perfect poker face. None of the food or water we've given them have been touched. Getting her to sign is one thing, but how are we going to get her to write down an address? What do we do? He'll be back tomorrow..." 

Serena nudged Y/N awake "Y/N?" she whispered "Wake up sweetie...." 

"Hm?" Y/N scrunched up her eyebrows as she blinked open her eyes "Serena? What's wrong?" 

Serena whispered a plan into Y/N's ear and Y/N paused for a few seconds before nodding slowly and clutching her cross necklace in her hands  

"Okay....okay then" 

"Alright..." Serena kissed her forehead and helped Y/N stand up 

Serena went to knock on the door and one of the henchmen opened it 

"Hmm? What is it? Changed your mind, have you?" 

Serena stood in front of him with her hands behind her back and Y/N stood behind Serena with her hand clasped around her cross necklace 

Before he could say anything Serena yanked him into the room and stabbed his neck with the tiny poisoned needle that was hidden inside her cross necklace 

"You--! Wait...!" the man said as he fell to the floor 

Y/N lunged at him and pinned him to the floor as Serena rushed to the phone. Y/N pulled the end of her cross necklace off to reveal the tiny poisoned needle and held it over the mans neck 

Serena held up the phone and dialed a number as her hands shook 

"Serena..."  Eiser's voice came from the phone "Are you hurt? Is Y/N with you? Is she okay?" 

"No...I'm okay...and Y/N is okay also..." Serena's voice shook as tears pooled in her eyes 

Y/N sighed a silent breath of relief as she heard Eiser's voice. It had unknowingly calmed her and her hand slowly stopped shaking

"All right. Do you know where you girls are?" Eiser asked 

 "No...not long after we got in the car, our kidnappers covered our eyes" 

"What about before then? Did you see what direction the car was going?"  

"The forest. The car headed to the outskirts of Wellenberg and entered a forest" Serena said to Eiser

"After that I have no idea. We are currently in a two-story wooden house. That's all I know" Serena continued 

"Close your eyes and recall any sounds or scents as best you can no matter how trivial"  Eiser asked 

"It smelled a little bit like paint" Y/N spoke up "And it was faint, but I also think I heard a slight sound of machinery" Serena relayed Y/N's words to Eiser 

Footsteps were heard and a voice spoke out "Oi Jack! Why are you so quiet? What are you doing in there?" 

Serena flinched "Oh, one of the men watching us is coming back. I don't think I'll be able to contact you again" Serena spoke into the phone 

"That's fine. This should be enough for me to go on" Eiser said "Serena, I know you're scared and I also know who's behind the kidnapping of you and Y/N. I'll come find you soon so just...stay calm, take care of your sister, and wait a little longer" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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