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Y/N slips into Serena's room silently to find her sleeping in her bed with her lover by her side 

Frederick nods in greeting to her before speaking silently 

"She barely fell asleep an hour ago, I think it's best to have her skip breakfast and let her sleep" 

"Sure" Y/N said and she slowly let down the curtains to imbue the room in slight darkness

"Just to let you know" Y/N continues "the family physicians are coming today in the afternoon for the physical exams. Your choice if you wish to stick around or not" 

"I see, the weather happens to be nice so I think I'll walk the gardens" 

"Alright" Y/N agreed "The flowers are beginning to bloom around this time...a cup of coffee and a walk sounds nice...Serenity has...such beautiful views"

A few hours later...


Dr. Astance met with Serena and Y/N to give the women their physical exams. 

"Lady Y/N you are in good health...though I would recommend shortening the hours that you work and allowing yourself some more increased intake of protein would also do you some great benefit" 

"I see...thank you for your input Dr. Astance" Y/N said as she tied her gown back on 

"Of course...and now Lady have lost more weight, you promised to maintain it did you not?"

"Now, let me check on the wound you got from falling last time, take off your gown please" 

Serena nodded and untied her gown

"Very good, it's healed looks like you won't have to worry about a scar anymore"

After Dr. Astance finished up and took her leave, Y/N and Serena got changed into less lounge-like clothes. Serena tied the bow in the back of Y/N casual dress

"Help me next?" she inquired 

"Sure" Y/N replied 

Y/N helped Serena pick out an outfit and shoes to match before tying her hair up 

"There...and you heard what Dr. Astance said about your weight, you need to eat a little more than a few grapes for dinner"

"Is that why you had that brought there? What is it?" 

"Grandmother Iansa brought over two opera cakes for us...this one is for you" Y/N replied 

"Ugh..that old woman is simply wasting her time again" Serena stood up "I don't want to eat it, you have it for me, okay?" 

Y/N sighed "Fine, but the next time I buy a cake you're eating a slice!" 

Serena giggled a little "Sure, where did you hide Frederick?"

"Huh? I didn't hide him I simply mentioned that the physicians would be here today and he said that he would be in the glass garden"

"I see...I'll go over then" 

Y/N turned and followed 

"I'll accompany you...I want to check on my peonies that I'm growing" 

"Hm? You're growing peonies?"

"I am, Raul got me a book on tending to peonies so I thought I would try to grow them"

"He likes you quite a lot that Raul...what colors are you growing?" Serena smiled as they walked to the glass garden

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