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Two Days Later: Serena and Y/N's Office

"Serena are you alright? You skipped your breakfast this morning" Y/N asked 

"I'm fine" Serena said shortly 

"Alright then, your evening gown you were fitted for the other day has arrived. The designer will come by tomorrow to check the fit for you" 

All Serena did was nod but then she spoke up 



"Did you say...that Frederick was a soldier?" 

"What is with everyone's sudden interest in Frederick?" Y/N thought "Yes, he is a former soldier, why?"

"Is there anything that you know about him like his birthplace? Anything out of the ordinary?"

"No, I was only provided with his name, age, and his occupation as a soldier. Would you like me to investigate the matter?"

"No, it's alright." 

"Okay then, you are scheduled for an outing with Eiser, would you like to change now?"


After Y/N spent some time helping Serena get ready and sending her off she went back to the office and took out a file titled SERA



SERA was a pseudonym that Y/N used as a cover up when attending auctions 

Sera will interchange between Sui and Y/N who are the closest to Serena in the manor

Her capital is worth 700,000 Perrubles which is a little more than the average middle-class wealth. This was accumulated in 3 years 

Serena and Y/N are working on buying back the art that Eiser had sold when he was taking care of the Serenity families debt 

The entire operation is run by Serena and Y/N does the more hands-on work 


After Y/N's biological family died she re-did their family home and gutted the inside turning it into a warehouse. She kept the original outside so it would look like a normal family home

She allowed the vegetation to overgrow so it would be more well-hidden  

In addition, she stationed ten guards around the perimeter 


Money that is used for the auctions is from Y/N and Serena's personal pockets 

Serena has sold a lot of her dresses, trinkets, and jewelry to obtain money 

Y/N had amassed the large fortune of her biological family. As the only living member, it went to her despite the fact that she was adopted into the Serenity family 


Serena and Y/N have begun investing in artwork, artists, and the like through galleries and they have begun to sell off works when their value increased to increase their capital 

After Serena's bold investment in ceramics, a trend began and Y/N took control of this trend to set herself in a position to control the art market 


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