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Serena and Y/N walked down the steps of the manor as they headed to the hotel for work 

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Serena and Y/N walked down the steps of the manor as they headed to the hotel for work 

Eiser passed by them as he headed to a business meaning that was being held in the manor 

Serena turned her head away with a silent hmph! as she quickened her pace 

Y/N turned her head back to Eiser with a confused look and back to Serena quickly 

Y/N hurried to catch up with Serena as she got into the car 

"Lets go" Serena said once Y/N settled into the car and closed the door 


"Here are the sales reports and the proposal for our end of the year event. I also brought the manual on the hotel's membership tiers and the list of customers, which you requested separately" Logan handed the papers to Y/N who reviewed them quickly before she handed them off to Serena

"So far the sales numbers look great. But as for the Christmas event..." Serena said "I find this proposal somewhat lackluster, especially given that you've been working on it since spring. It seems too entirely to last year's event" 

"As you're no doubt aware, the end of the year is one of the busiest period. Our Christmas display is a very effective marketing tool, as well as an important event that has a significant impact on our brand hotel" Serena continued "I'd like something more unique this year. about this? We'll use yellow, our hotels signature color, and stuffed toys of our popular mascot..." Serena continued on as the hotel workers took notes 

"Thanks to the military officers, membership of our sports club has increased rapidly as of late...and the white tier - the secret membership tier that was exclusive to the eight families is basically nonexistent" Y/N placed a report on Serena's desk "Because of this we should make some changes to our membership system and it's terms" 

Serena nodded her head "In light of that...I have something to ask the concierges who are in charge of our VIP clients, could you call them please?" 

"Of course, Lady Serena" 


"Then...I'll review everything in regards to the points you mentioned today and submit an updated report...I believe you two have somewhere to be after this?" Logan asked 

"That's right. What as it? Was there something else?" Serena asked 

"The restaurant staff heard that you girls would be at the hotel today, and they're very much looking forward to having you both dine at the hotel...they had a great vacation and are excited to be back from work!" 

"Unfortunately we must be going as we have a pressing matter to attend to, but we will differently stay for a meal next time" Serena said 

"Ah, one moment please. I thought you might say as much..." Logan walked to the side to retrieve something 

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