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At the dining room: Evening 

Dining room seating for reference:
             The President 
        Eiser Serena Y/N

It has been over a half an hour since the dinner had started and the conversation with the president has been going well

"Oh, and what of the organizations that Serenity used to sponsor? Is everything alright with them? A hospital and where else...?"

"Currently we are sponsoring three organizations in total. A pediatric ward, a school, and an art institute"

"I see have you three been to any of these organizations?" 

"I have but I don't believe that Sir Eiser or my sister have" Y/N said as she dabbed at the corner of her mouth with a napkin

"Ahh I see, then I must encourage you two to visit them together. It can be a big help and it's easy to loose yourselves in your work. Plus you two can hold hands on the way there, and while you're out go have a cup of coffee, see a play or take a walk in the park. You know, a date. Don't leave the work of visiting the organizations to your younger sister, now" President Harold spoke

"Yes we won't do that" Serena said slowly 

"You know the longer I think about it the more I realize that it is such a shame that a young clever trio like you three cannot partake in my foundation. It would be a great help to have such socially influential people to join was always a dream of mine..." President Harold sighed 

But Eiser spoke up 

"President Harold, there is something I would like to tell you in regards to the foundation"

"Haha, sounds like this is going to be work related. I don't really enjoy discussing work in the middle of a meal but there will be plenty of time for us to talk about this later" 

"Dessert will now be served, President" a servant spoke 

"Ah, excellent timing. Eva told me that you are partial to peaches, Serena and Y/N, so I plucked these from our peach trees myself!" 

The servants each presented a plate of peaches to the guests and Serena leaned over to Y/N 

"Did you not tell them that I was allergic?" she whispered hastily 

"No, I most definitely did I don't know if this was a mistake in communication but the chef affirmed my words and said that he wouldn't serve them..."  Y/N whispered back

" heard I like peaches...and so you plucked these all yourself even though your leg was bothering you?" Serena said nervously 

"Thank you, President Harold" Y/N sent Eiser a look saying "I don't know what's going on"

"It gives me much joy being able to serve my guests the fruit I've grown and harvested myself from the garden. It was no easy feat, as my legs were giving me trouble after the surgery but since peaches are your favorites, my dear girls, I consider it well worth the effort so make sure you all try some"

Serena lifted her fork and stabbed one of the peaches lifting it up

"Thank you for harvesting these peaches at the sake of my sister and I" she beamed and was about to take a bite when Eiser knocked his glass of the table 

"Ah, my apologies, I've accidentally knocked my glass off the table" he said plainly 

"You didn't hurt yourself did you? Then it's alright" President Harold said in concern. "It happens all the time with tall, long-limbed people like yourself. It's dangerous with all that glass lying around so don't move. I'll call someone to clean it up" 

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