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Y/N and Raul (Eisers assistant) stood behind a door whilst the two masters had their dinner in silence 

"You must be tired after such a long trip, Raul. Did everything go well?" Y/N turned her head to Raul

"Yes Lady Y/N, everything went smoothly. The tour, the meeting...was everything at the manor okay?"

"Yes" she confirmed 

Raul sighed "It's already been four years since they've married...but I've still been nervous on Wednesdays and Sundays when it's time for them to have dinner together..." 

"Well it's better than when they were first married" 

"That's true" Raul replied, "Especially that day when Serena poured water on Sir Eiser...I could barely sleep that night because my heart wouldn't start pounding" 

"Yes, and Serena left immediately left after that....and Sir Eiser didn't even bat an eye" Y/N added on 

"Right, compared to then things are relatively quiet...though the quietness is really nerve-wracking" 

"It is..." Y/N laughed slightly 

Raul's cheeks turned slightly pink at her laugh 

"Oh...?" he said "Oh looks like Lady Serena ended her dinner after eating very little again...I wonder why they keep dining if they are so uncomfortable with each other" 

"Well this is how they protect Serenity...they must endure each other in order to protect Serenity" Y/N says

"Let's discuss..." Eiser speaks up "My buisness trip on Sunday...there is a document that needs your signature so you need to come to my office"

"Is my signature even of use? Since you're so great at taking care of things by yourself, why don't you take care of this yourself?" 

Eiser was quiet for a second before speaking up again 

"Y/N" he called out 

Y/N stepped out from behind the door "Yes?" 

"Since your elder sister has trouble understanding my instructions I'll leave them with you. There is important business that she needs to attend to so take her to my office in one hour" he said as he stood up 

"Of course" she nodded as Raul hurried after Eiser after sending a quick glance to Y/N and a small smile of which she returns out of courtesy

In one hours time she guides Serena to Eiser's office 

"I wish that man would stop mocking me" Serena sighed 

Y/N looked up at her "I wonder what he even needs your signature for...he usually stamps the family seal on anything and passes it along" 

"See that's what I'm so confused about!" Serena cried out as they arrived in front of Eiser's office 

"Well I wish you good luck elder sister!" Y/N smiled

Serena huffed "I'm sure you do" she pinched Y/N's cheek and entered the office 

Y/N made her way to her office and sighed when she saw the pileup of paperwork on her desk 

She plopped down on her chair behind her desk and rolled her shoulders back and got started on the paperwork 

After a few hours she leaned back and grumbled realizing that she still had another half to work through 

At that moment a knock sounded on her door 

"mmmghhhh" she grumbled out softly "Come in" she picked her head up from her hands as Raul walked in 

"Hi you have more paperwork?" 

"No...I'm just here to see how you're doing, I know Eiser gives you a lot of work" 

"He really does....I still have half to work through..." she sighed 

"Well that means that he places trust in you! He wouldn't give you so much work on the hotel if he didn't trust you!" 

"I'm sure you're right...well I'm not sure how to feel knowing that he trusts me..." 

"Well it's better than having him not trust you...anyways I brought you something!" 

Y/N looks up "you did?" 

"Mhm!" he bring out a box from behind his back "I got these from the bakery I know that you like...cream puffs and eclairs!" 

"Oh my...thank you Raul..." she takes the box that he handed to her "Do you wish to enjoy these with me? I need a little help with the rest of my paperwork..."

"I would be happy to help you!" he pulled out a chair to her desk and they work through the paperwork and enjoyed the pastries together


A knock was sounded at the door 

"Come in!" Y/N called out and a maid peaked her head in 

"Lady Serena is calling for you Lady Y/N" 

"Oh I see...thank you for your help today Raul...I'll return the favor another time..for sure" 

"Of course Lady Y/N...thank you for inviting me to enjoy the pastries with you!" 

She smiled and nodded before rushing over to Serenas room and opening the door

"Serena? Are you alright?" She noticed Serena sitting on her bed with her lover 

Y/N immediately understood and rushed over to her sister and held her hands out 

"Let's run a warm bath for you and get you into comfortable clothes alright?"

"Yes...thank you N/N" 

Y/N guided her sister into her private bathroom and assisted her with her bath and changing into comfortable clothes 

She helped Serena into bed and gave her a kiss on her forehead and nodded to Frederick before taking her leave slowly 

Y/N heard voices in the distant hallway and followed out of curiosity

She put her ear to the door and heard the voices of Eiser and Iansa, Serena and Y/N's grandmother

Y/N quickly moved away from the door not wanting to get herself into trouble for eavesdropping

She took a quick bath and changed into a cotton nightgown and fell into her plush bed and quickly fell asleep 

She took a quick bath and changed into a cotton nightgown and fell into her plush bed and quickly fell asleep 

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Word count: 927 words


This is a little more fun writing than the Baki book

I'm probably writing Fredericks name wrong at least 100 times oops 

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