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A young woman stood outside a large set of double doors waiting to be called upon

She had finished her duties for the day and the last thing that she had to do was to assist her elder sister with her appointment with the jewelers

She smiled at the idea of getting comfy in front of the fireplace with her favorite book and a faux fur blanket

She looked outside and watched the storm from the window and raced raindrops with herself 


She turned around towards the door as she heard her name 

She entered the room, "Are you ready Serena? The jewelers have been here for about an hour and a half"

"Yes, please assist me with my dress and hair" Serena responded as she walked to her bathroom 

"Sure" Y/N followed her elder sister to her private bathroom paying no mind to her elder sisters lover-

Federick Bloom

Y/N assisted her sister with her outfit for the day brushing her hair back and placing the headband on 

"Y/N...what day is it" Serena asked absentmindedly  

"Hm? Oh, today is a Wednesday and the first of the new month" 

"Wednesday...and the first of the new month?" 

"Yes Serena" Y/N said as she helped her sister with her earrings. "Come on, we need to go meet the jewelers they've been here for quite a while" 

"Sure" Serena followed her younger sister into the lounge room where the Jeweler sat with her young assistant. 

Y/N opened the doors to the lounge and Serena followed her their guests stood up to greet the two women of Serenity 

"I must have kept you waiting" Serena said as she sat down and Y/N went to retrieve a pair of gloves for her elder sister to wear before sitting beside her and picking up her tea cup

"As you know, I close the shop on day's I come to visit you" the jeweler spoke up

"There is no need to close the store now that you have more than enough staff" Serena said as the pulled on the gloves that Y/N handed to her 

"Well the days that I visit you are very important! I have some new jewels for you to look at, you wanted new ones for a party, yes? I'll show you what I have specially prepared"

She opens and suitcase on the sitting table 

During that moment Federick opens the door and enters, nodding in greeting to the guests 

He went to sit down in a chair adjacent to the women and the guests nodding his head in greeting to Y/N and she sends a slight nod back

Y/N notices the young apprentice looking at her elder sisters lover out of the corner of her eye with a blush

"I was expecting much more when you said that you had brought something special...but Silon diamond?" Serena said as the inspected the diamond necklace 

Y/N put down her tea cup at her elder sisters words knowing about Serena's dislike to diamonds produced by Silon 

"I know that you aren't fond of diamonds made by Silon but this holds such exquisite craftsmanship, the quality of the gem is great, the carat size is how you've always favored, and the grade size is the highest" 

"I understand that but I do not want anything from Silon regardless of the product...I hate anything from Silon" 

Y/N busied herself by looking out the window at the storm despite her seeming dislike towards the stormy weather 

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