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"IT LOOKS LIKE THEY WERE trying to use us to make up for their losses, since we looked like we were in a hurry. But now that we know what is going on, that won't be allowed to happen"

"Oh? Is that so?" Manager Logan spoke up. "They said it was a rare material, so we didn't know what a fair price would be."

"Yes they started low but suddenly raised their price. It's just appalling now that we know their true intentions. They were trying to decisive us!" Serena fumed. "Even if it's a one time deal, it's so insulting. How dare they!?"

"It's a good thing I told you Lady Serena," Manager Logan smiled, "If it wasn't for your information, it would have cost us a great amount. The price is unsatisfactory, but we certainly needed what was on offer. But now we have a excuse to negotiate a lower price"

"Yes...well" Serena blushed as she fiddled with her hair

"Nonetheless," Eiser said as he tapped his finger on the table "It isn't enough to renegotiate the price"

"What? Why not?" Serena said "Their debt will only grow bigger as they continue to store the material. Don't you think they would want to sell it off at a cheaper price?"

"Even if that is true, it is hard to suddenly reduce a price that has already been set so high" Eiser replied

"And if they are deep in debt they may not have much room for negotiation either..." Y/N added on. 

"Exactly. If we use someone's weakness to pressure them into a deal it will cause problems later on. It's best to avoid that if you can help it" Eiser added on to Y/N's point. "It is unnecessary to take such measures in this case"

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Serena said as she interlaced her hands on the table. "We simply can't purchase it at double the cost of what it's worth"

"We need to make them want it" Eiser said shortly

"But how? They are up to their necks in debt. And they are trying to squeeze as much out of us as possible"

"Did they say their mine was out of minerals?" Eiser inquired 

"Yes, they couldn't wait to get rid of a useless mine" Serena replied

Eiser paused before speaking 

"Y/N, contact Lovis and ask him to investigate the Dorothea's family financial situation...and the actual condition of the mine so we can confirm the facts"

"Yes, sir" Y/N said as she made a note in the margin of her pink notebook

"You think there might be another way?" Manager Logan asked

"I've met someone while out on my business trip" Eiser said. "They said they were looking for a site to build a power plant. The Dorothea's mine was probably the one that was developed on the northern outskirts of the Nakla mountains 43 years ago. The site seems fit for what they were looking for so I'm thinking of arranging a meeting for them"

"Oh, I see" Manager Logan said. "I did hear that people are redeveloping old mines to build factories or power plants these days. The site's a remote location and it's already been leveled so it must fit their requirements"

"Yes, we need to look more into this so let's postpone the deal a little" 

"Indeed, Sir. Eiser!" Manager Logan said with a smile. "Anyways, that's good news! It appears that we can reduce our budget significantly if everything works out...the two of you make great partners!" 

Y/N saw Serena flinch out of the corner of her eye 

"Excuse me?!" Serena exclaimed 

"Um, pardon? Did I say something wrong?" Manager Logan said nervously 

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