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Raul and Y/N stood by the door nervously as Eiser made his way to the annex. A place where even Eiser wasn't allowed. 

"This explains why he wasn't heading to his he really going to the annex?" Raul spoke up

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. Her only concern was getting out of her dress and into bed. 

"The annex is off-limits even to Sir. wasn't like I could stop Sir. Eiser...what could I do against that man?" 

"You have a point..." Raul said nervously "but your sister isn't going to be happy about this!" 

Three weeks earlier

Y/N stood in Eiser's office as she spoke to him about a question he had asked of her 

"The annex is the oldest building in the manor and the original site of our family home" she began. It's where Serena and I spent most of our childhoods...and since it is a private space for Serena and I, the number of staff allowed it kept to a minimum." 

"Ever since our parents died in the carriage accident...we were the only ones to use it...her more so than I so it's almost become her private space by now. I've allowed a small number of staff in to clean due to my concerns for her health and the accumulation of dust...but she hasn't been in the annex as much since the arrival of Mr. Frederick" 

Present time

Eiser made his way through the annex walking past the lounge rooms and libraries. The decorations were much more plain and simple in comparison to the main building.

He walked past a room with one of the double doors open and peered inside. 

It was Y/N's childhood room 

"This must be Y/N's old room" he noted as he stepped inside out of curiosity 

There was a large canopy bed in the room. Pink and white sheets and curtains decorated the four-poster bed. There were some toys sitting on the three steps leading up to the landing of sorts her bed was placed on

There were ballet slippers in a boxes, music books scattered on the ground and a music sheet stand sitting in the middle of the books, stuffed animals on shelves, puzzles left half done, and old workbooks stacked on a table. 

Eiser walked to the bedside table and picked up a picture frame. The picture frame showed Y/N and Serena...both looking younger wearing ballet costumes and tiaras. Serena's arms were around Y/N's shoulders and Y/N was smiling and showing off her two missing front teeth. 

Eiser's lip quirked up slightly as he placed the photo down on the bedside table and looked around once more making quick note of her early interest in jazz music. He made his way down the hallway and stopped at the next door where Serena's old room was. 


Back at the main building

(A lot of this writing will mostly feature Y/N's perspective to avoid writing situational irony)

Y/N stretched as she got into bed hearing her spine crack she turned to look at Theodore (Her new puppy) 

"You didn't hear that. I'm 19. I am very healthy" 

The puppy just wagged his tail from his spot on the bed  

"Is that you talking back to me?" Y/N propped herself onto her elbow "I hope you aren't giving me any attitude Teddy" she raised her eyebrows and plopped back down onto her silk pillowcases. 

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