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When Serena and Y/N returned the next morning, Y/N followed Serena to her room to place her luggage in her bedroom 

Serena and Frederick faced each other

"You had something to tell me, Lady Serena?" Frederick spoke up first 

"Frederick...two years ago I wanted to protect myself from a potential threat. So I kept you by my side and placed a small gun in the annex. But after sometime passed, something occurred to me. I don't need you anymore Frederick."

Y/N looked over her shoulder slightly as she placed one of Serena's dresses away

"It's no longer necessary for you to accompany me 24 hours a day and protect me because I am no longer in danger" 

"As of this moment you are forbidden from entering my bedroom, as of today the terms of our contract will now change. From now on I'd like you not to be Serena Serenity's bodyguard, but Sera's shadow" Serena gestured to Y/N

"Well? Will you do it?" 


Serena and Y/N sat on a small bed-like seat by the window. Y/N drifting in and out of sleep

Serena had the kitten in her lap as she stroked Y/N's hair with her hand which helped Y/N drift to sleep

But after a while Serena woke Y/N up 

"Hm?" Y/N rubbed at her eyes "What is it?" 

"I've been meaning to ask you-"

"About Frederick?" Y/N finished 

Serena sighed 


"Well" Y/N said as she sat up "Naturally I was suspicious of him since he is a stranger. I hired him through a mercenary unit which usually means nothing since those who are mercenaries don't work for private corporations on the side. He seemed like an ordinary ex-soldier but my suspicions began to rise when he left one night randomly." 

"He left? When? Where did he go?" 

"I watched him from a window but all I could see was him taking a walk before I lost sight of him. Perhaps he needed fresh air? But what I didn't understand was why that late at night. And there was another instance. Before you confined him to your room" 

"When was this?"

"He asked me for permission to the annex. This was shortly after the gun had gone off and he said that he needed permission to enter the annex so he could get to you quickly. I said no since that would displease you but what bothers me is that you found him in the annex shortly after I denied his entry" 

"I see..." Serena played with the kitty in her lap "thank you for telling me" 

"Sure" Y/N laid down to go back to sleep 


Later: With Y/N and Frederick 

"This will be your new room" Y/N said as she opened the door to the bedroom 


"I'll walk you through the steps of my work one by one and you can ask me any questions if need be" 

"I shall do that, thanks as always Lady Y/N" 

"Yeah. Today we will visit the warehouse and I'll show you it's location since it's well hidden" 

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