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"I heard that you two were forced to sell a treasured painting to our gallery a several years ago. If it's alright with you both I'd like to give it back to you. Would..that a sufficient apology?"

Y/N narrowed her eyes slightly as she placed her teacup on the table

'He's gonna return the Color of Submersion back to us?' she thought

After Eiser sold the painting to the DeLaurent Gallery years ago, Serena eagerly waited for an opportunity to buy it back.

"Your family and our gallery have bought and sold hundreds of paintings to each other. Given the trust we've built over the years I'd like to offer you sisters that painting, both as an apology and to signify our desire to remain on good terms with the Serenity does that sound?"

Serena and Y/N made quick eye contact from the corner of their eyes

Y/N knew that Serena wanted to get the painting back from her own terms, she didn't want it to be handed the painting over as an apology

"Thank you, but the painting is no longer a need"

"Wh-what?" Igor said, confused

"Our family is very fond of the painting, but it left our possession years ago. I would be glad to have it back but I have no particular attachment to the painting. Nor does my sister."

"I understand why you made this offer but the last thing I want is to get it back as compensation for such an unsavory incident. As such, I trust that you understand why we refuse"

"Everyone invited to the authentication results has left including the reporters...and Serena and I are willing, and will put this behind us so you needn't worry much" Y/N said as she stood, Serena following

"I'm sure Ms. DeLaurent's learned her lesson too" Serena said as she walked to the door

"We shall be leaving" Y/N looked over her shoulder to Igor who laughed slightly under his breath

"Young ladies...could I ask how old you two are?"

Both Serena and Y/N turned around

"Pardon? I am 22 years old and my sister is 19"

"You're both so intelligent, principled, and disciplined for your ages. I'd expect nothing less from girls raised by Iansa herself. I'm suddenly feeling rather envious. If only my daughter were more like you two girls."

"When she was close to Ms. Serenity's age, all she did was walk on eggshells around me, afraid of what I might think. I really wanted her to be more assertive...had she been I would have made her director a long time ago."

"In that case, what if I gave you two an opportunity? As you know, that painting isn't currently up for sale. However I would be willing to sell it to your family. You said you wouldn't accept the painting from me precisely because of how much you cherished I can give you an opportunity to buy that painting instead."

"And no one would criticize you for the means by which you took possession of it again, since you paid for it fair and square. Well? Would you accept these terms?"


Serena and Y/N were walking down the walkway towards their car wordlessly. They had managed to buy the painting for the price it was sold at despite the fact that the price had been marked up since it's selling.

Y/N heard footsteps behind her and she turned around to see Eiser who motioned for her to go wait by the car

"I'll see you at the car Serena" Y/N said as she rushed off

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