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Ren grabbed onto Usagi's shoulders, stopping herself from slamming to her. However, Usagi noticed two people who were running with the large group who were running from the King of Spades. "Kuina! An!" Arisu shouted. They stopped briefly, seeing three of their friends.


The five of them hid behind the car, looking at each other. "It's been a while." An said.

"You're both okay. I'm so glad." Usagi said.

"It's good to see you again." Kuina said before looking over to Arisu and Ren. "Did Chishiya make it?" Ren couldn't answer, which Kuina nodded.

Arisu answered for Ren, "Yeah." He glanced over at Ren for a moment before looking back at Kuina. "I saw him. He's good." Lying was their best bet to make sure Kuina was there to help them kill the King of Spades. She'd be pissed later, but they'd deal with that later.

"Great." Kuina sighed with relief.

"Looks like the King of Spades wants to settle things here." An commented.

Ren pushed her hair from her face. "Yeah, what gave it away?"

"We'll take the King down together." Kuina said. The group nodded, only to duck when the car they were hiding behind was shot at. The five of them peered over the car, seeing the players running for their lives with the King behind them. As the players ran to hide, one got shot right in front of them. That was their cue to run from that hiding place.

Ren took off, hoping that the King would follow them and avoid heading towards Chishiya and Niragi. As Ren ran, she slipped on the wet grass just as a bullet flew over her head. She looked behind her at the King, pushing herself up from the ground to continue running. She heard Arisu shout. Ren turned around, seeing An falling to the ground. The King was headed straight for her.

When Arisu went to shoot the King, he started to fire at him and Usagi. "Hey!" Ren shouted, waving her arms over her head to get the King's attention. "Over here, you fucker!" Ren quickly ran as bullets started flying in her direction. She fell behind a car, grabbing the back of her leg. She pulled her hand back, seeing the blood. "Shit."

Ren looked around the car, watching An runoff once the King was distracted by Kuina. However, a car came rolling straight for him. The player inside rolled out and the car continued forward, slamming into the King and straight into another car. Ren got herself to her feet, limping harshly, leaning on the hood of the car. The two cars were up in flames.

Ren panted as she leaned against the car.

The players around her were cheering, thinking they had killed the King of Spades. Ren looked to the sky, seeing the blimp. Unlike the other times, the blimp didn't burst into flames. "Run!" Ren screamed as gunshots started to ring out again.

She moved quickly away from her hiding place to find another while the King of Spades revealed himself. Ren didn't bother looking back – at the moment, she had to find a safe place to hide and then figure out a way to end this bastard once and for all, because fire sure wasn't the end to the game. Suddenly, Kuina wrapped her arm around Ren's waist, placing Ren's arm over her shoulder. "I got you." With the help of Kuina, Ren was able to move faster and get to a hiding place for the time being.

When An noticed them, she waved her arm over her head to get their attention. Ren was brought into the shopping mall. She leaned against the wall, looking down at the wound to the back of her leg. "That fucking hurts." Ren hissed. Part of her shirt got ripped by An, wrapping it around her wound. "Thanks."

"We gotta stick together." Ren nodded at An as she tightly wrapped the piece of fabric around Ren's leg.

The three of them were hiding from the shooter, hearing the screams and the gunshots. They were currently waiting on Usagi and Arisu to find them once again. Once they did, Kuina got their attention. The five of them hid against the wall, getting the perfect vantage point to see the King.

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