kazuha - comforting

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A/N: written by ayano

lmk if you like want titles btw im just putting the trope as it + character.

(not proofread, word count: 474)

   the sun had just begun setting when you had returned back to your dorm. today was a bad day. after working hard on an important exam, you had just barely got 95. to you and your mother, this was a failure.

you had studied for at least a few weeks now, and it was disappointing, to say the least. now, all you wanted to do was collapse on your bed, and you did just that. headphones on, blasting your favourite song. it was currently 6pm, and you were drained.

just as you were about to doze off, your lover, kazuha, entered your room. you didn't look up, but secretly wished he would come over to you. and so he did.

you closed your eyes, feeling his presence next to you.

"hey darling, why do you look so down today? how was school?" kazuha said, placing a hand onto your hair, running his fingers through it. it soothed you, and a soft sigh escaped your lips. he slipped off your headphones.

"my day was bad, but i dont wanna talk about it." you mumbled, and you felt his gaze shift to a concerned and kind one.
"alright, are you hungry? i can make you some food." he said. you shook your head.

"its fine. im not." you said. you opened your eyes, meeting kazuha's red ones.

he was truly kind, and cared for you so much. helped you with anything you needed. put time aside for you.

kazuha noticed your staring and gave you a gentle smile. you looked away and covered your face with your hands, attempting to hide your embarrassment.

you sat up, resting your back onto the wall. kazuha didn't hesitate to hug you. your eyes widened, but soon relaxed into his embrace. you instantly felt happier.
"feel better?" he inquired, lovingly gaze on you as he gently played with your hair. your breathing slowed down, as now, you were in a state of relaxation. you nodded.

he placed his hand on yours, intertwining his fingers with yours. "i love you." he said, and you just rested your head on his shoulder. you were too tired to say anything, so you just let your hands rest on his waist.
his platinum hair fell over his face, but he could care less. in this moment, it was just you, and only you. the sun had met the horizon, giving the sky a beautiful orange colour. you felt like you were in a cliche romantic movie, but honestly, kazuha could make that happen.

ever since you started dating, he has been an absolute angel to you and everyone around you. you felt like you were extremely lucky to have him, and he felt the same for you.

"hey kazuha?" you suddenly said, voice soft. he hummed, and looked at you. "i love you too."

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