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May 14th, 2132 9:30pn

You sat out on your balcony enjoying the warm summer night breeze, bringing the cigarette up to your mouth inhaling and soon exhaling the smoke. "I thought we'd agreed you'd quit?" That annoying voice you so desperately wished you didn't have to hear nagging all the time like a fucking grandma, "it's not something you can just quit, Shigeru" "it's Toru to you" you honestly don't know why you're still with him, maybe the comfort? Probably just the sex, but it's not like that was good either. You were probably just tired of being lonely.

Instead of you demoting him to ex-boyfriend, you promoted him to Fiancé, why'd you say yes? That's a question you've been asking yourself for the past 2 years, why'd you say yes? It runs through your mind every time you see him, you wished you could bring yourself to end things before the wedding which was in 6 months, you couldn't though because you wouldn't admit to anyone not even yourself that you're lonely, but having him leave you'll be physically lonely.

It's not like he was the bread winner of the relationship, so it doesn't matter if he left. "Dont you want to head to bed, it's getting late and you got back late tonight" sleeping with him was a nightmare, he'll always cling to you, or snore, and he just moves around a lot. "I could relax you a bit-" "no need, I'm relaxed" you don't think he knows he's the reason you smoke, his sex can't relax you he just wants to relax himself, so option 2 is always smoking.

With that he finally left you alone, which is like heaven, taking care of animals all day just to come home to someone who's still desperate for the money you receive was draining. On the bright side Animals were less annoying, and they didn't talk, you would get a cat or dog just to fix the small problem you had but your amazing fiancé was allergic. More of a reason to leave him.


May 16th, 2132 8:45pm

You sat in your office trying to come up with a reason not to come home, it's not like you haven't slept in your office before and going home to a house "husband" in your case was just coming home to a child. The place would be messy and you'd have to clean it up because you didn't want to hear his nagging, you don't get much of anything from him you pack your own lunch, and make diner once you come in no matter the time because he couldn't cook for shit.

You decide going home on time for once wouldn't hurt, all your assistants and worker went home so you were alone, you didn't not like the quite atmosphere but it always made you have your guard up. You were always a paranoid person and shigeru didn't help with that, it was clear to you he was most definitely cheating, but there wasn't any evidence, so you just thought it was definitely just your paranoia.

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