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Warning: minor explicit content

June 25th 7:23pm

"Yeah then he got all mad and left and I still haven't seen him since, but I want my fucking car!" He let out a laugh at your slightly drunken state, you were sitting out on your patio with hawks, ranting about Shigeru. "So let me get this straight, he doesn't have a job, doesn't know basic housework, and he doesn't have a car?", for a couple of days you've been spending time with eachother and the more you talked to him the more your feelings started to becoming clear, but you still weren't sure. Nodding at his summary of your useless fiancé you fought back a laugh, "why'd you say yes?" After it left his mouth, he wished he could take it back.

Becoming a bit quite from remembering everything, you brought your glass of the intoxicating liquid to you lips before deciding to tell him everything. Because at this point you felt like you could trust him. "I was lonely, that's why... my parents died when I was in middle school, they were hero's so y'know it didn't hurt much they felt like strangers most times but I still loved them" placing the glass down onto the table he stayed quiet so you continued, "they left me everything, so by time I got to high school everyone knew I was "rich", and that's why Shigeru is here, at first I wanted him to go away. But then I didn't want to be lonely anymore so I took my chances and here I am"

Leaning on the railing you stared down at the spot where you decided you'd make a garden, but never got to finish considering you were so busy. "It's fine though, I'm thinking about calling it off, but I need a reason" trying to ease up the tension you let out a small laugh, but he stayed quiet. He walked up to stand beside you trying to find the right words to say, placing his hands on the railing staring at your fixated gaze as you stared out into the night sky,

"Do you still feel lonely?"

"Sometimes, are you lonely?"

"What made you think that?"

"You have a cat, and you haven't found your soulmate"

"Fair point, so I guess I am"

You laughed a bit and he felt his heart beat increase just at the sound, He debated with himself again, looking down at how close your hands were. Slowly moving his hand closer to yours, until he intertwined his pinky with yours, feeling his warmth and a sudden pain in you eyes you turned to him seeing his blond hair fly gently in the wind. His gold piercing eyes and his huge red wings, "Do you want to be lonely together?" Smiling at you he intertwined your hands fully. Before you knew it you found yourself smiling as you both stared at him.

"You have a beautiful smile"

"Thank you..."

snapping out of you daze, you notice him leaning closer to you, his breath almost against your lips, you quickly put your hands over his mouth pushing him back, removing your other hand from his you backed away slightly. "I'm sorry it's just- umm" "Shit, I'm sorry I got caught up in the moment, I'm sorry for touching you" He panicked while you talked over eachother.

"Look hawks, I just need some time ok?" He saw tears threatening to fall from your eyes, he went to hug you but you immediately backed away, "I understand..." You turned away from him, walking into your room, you heard him leave as you closed the patio door. You wanted him but wouldn't admit it, wiping your tears you heard the front door open, you straightes yourself out and decides to go and greet your soon be husband.


June 27th, 2132 8:37pm

The room was filled with moans and the sounds of skin slapping against eachother, your legs wrapped around his waist, your arms wrapped around his neck while his face was buried in the crook of you neck leaving wet kiss along the lines of your neck. You trailed your fingers from his neck up to his thick black hair, tangling your fingers inside it. You tried your best to enjoy yourself you have been trying for the past hour but you really couldn't feel him, but he could definitely feel you, After the incident with hawks you've spent the last 2 days trying to fall inlove with your soon to be husband.

But everything you did you found yourself wishing it was hawks, everytime he touched you, you wish it was hawks, after how comfortable his hands felt against you couldn't help but crave that same feeling again. And this time wasn't any different , you wished it was him on top of you actually making you feel good, you so desperately wanted him in the moment but you knew it was wrong.

Thinking of another man while having sex with your soon to be husband felt like cheating and you disliked that feeling, but you wanted him. "Fuck, Bec-, Baby" that immediately snapped you out of your thought, pushing him off you trying to figure out what he had just said, "what the fuck did you just say?!" Pulling the blanket over your naked body you stared at. Him. "I said baby, what did you hear?" Feeling like you were hearing things, you placed yourself against his chest, while he wrapped his arms around you.

You didn't feel comfort, you felt manipulated because you knew what you heard, but you wanted to make this work.

"Can you please help with this, I'm a bit tired" you shouted towards the living stirring the uncooked rice in the pot, "Why do I have to help you? Can't you cook by yourself?" He questioned flipping through channels on the tv. "Yeah but your my soon to be husband, I expect you to help more" "you're a women it's you're job to be in the kitchen" placing the spoon on the counter you tired to calm yourself down from the comment he made.

"It's a mans job to be the money maker, and yet are you doing that?" You questioned, you took the uncooked rice that was boiling in to pot and poured it in the sink. "Woah what the fuck?!" Throwing the pot in the sink you took your apron off and went to put your shoes on, "cook for yourself" grabbing everything you needed you walked out the front door.

Sitting on one of the chairs you had outside you took out a cigarette immediately putting it between your lips, fiddling with the lighter a bit you finally lit the cigarette. Inhaling deeply you waited a bit until you exhaled, "what a week I'll have"


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