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November 5th, 2135 2:15pm

You busted throw Keigos door holding Kenji with excitement "Babe!! I have something I want you too seeeee!!" You sang as you saw him sitting on his couch with a bird boy standing behind him, "Oh I'm sorry am I interrupting something?" You questioned as Kenji began hitting your chest giggling. "Oh hey honey, did you need something?" He questioned while you nodded, "If you guys are talking I'll come back later—" "we just finished" you looked at him as he signaled for you to sit beside him and you did that.

"So Tokoyami is it? How do you like school" you questioned trying to break the thick tension that filled the air, "Why are you standing? Please have a seat" you pointed at the coach opposite from the one you were sitting on. He took a seat and answered you question until Kenji interrupted him, "Bird!" He shouted as a bird shadow appeared from behind him, "awe he's so cute!" He cod as you watched his actions "So does he have a mind of his own?" You question as you placed Kenji down and watched as he walked towards the teenage.

"I think he likes you tokoyami" keigo spoke resting his arm on the couch behind you, "Bird!" He shouted as the softly touched his beak. "Awe that's so cute" you snapped a quick picture before he noticed, "well I'll get going I dont want to take up your learning time tokoyami" you spoke standing up, "wait can you give me and your mentor a minute we'll be quick, promise?" He dragged him to his connected bathroom and shut the door.

"Is there something wrong?—" you cut him off while you smashed your lips against his, he was a bit surprised but melted into it nonetheless. "I haven't had you to myself... in a while" you spoke between kisses, "I just missed feeling you inside me" you whispered as his hands began roaming your body, once you felt something hard press against your thigh you stopped kissing him and just stared at him, "Are you coming home tonight?" You question as you fixed his jacket "I'm not sure—" "If you do Kenji will be put to sleep and I'll be waiting for you.

"Yes I'll be home" you smiled at him before exiting the bath, "we're back! Sorry for leaving you with him, I know you didn't come here to babysit" you took Kenji out of his lap and walked at the room. Keigo watch you walk towards the door mainly staring at your ass, The stunt you pulled earlier really had him wanting to go home now but he had to wait.


"Right sorry where were we?"


November 25th, 2135 5:16pm

You were out of breath, your hand on a nearby building as you tried to catch your breath, The cold winter air making your chest hurt. You tugged at the (f/c) scarf around your neck as you continued running, Your feet hurting from the heels you ran in but you didn't let that stop you from getting to your destination, once you arrived you tried to catch your breath but worry washed over you.

"Hawks, where is he?" You questioned panting between words, When you were working you heard of a fight that happened somewhere near the city and your husband was involved yet you weren't sure exactly what happened, you were just worried. You felt dizzy as you tried to tell the receptionist who you were looking for, "Mama would you like to sit down?" You heard question while you shook your head.

"[Y/N]? What are you doing here?" You immediately looked up seeing his scratched up face, "Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere else?" You questioned rapidly as you checked his face "I'm fine promise—" you threw your arms around his neck nuzzling your face in his neck. "I was so worried, I'm so glad you're okay" you whispered feeling tears prick your eyes, "I know I'm sorry, let's go home" he whispered as your grip around his neck tightened a bit.

Now you were asleep, once you got home you had a major headache and Keigo insisted you rest a bit, He placed a sleeping Kenji in his crib besides your shared bed, and glanced over at your sleeping figure before a smile grew on his face. He threw his clothes on as quietly as possible, just as he opened the door he heard you shifting in your sleep, he stopped in his tracks until you stopped moving and left your shared apartment.

You were awoken by the front door opening and closing, you sat up and looked at your bedside clock to see it was 4am, you looked beside you to see keigo wasn't there. Figuring he had just went to work you decided you'd head back to sleep since you didn't have to work.


December 31st, 2135 10:30am

"Your first new year's celebration Kenji! Well your second but you were sleeping last year" you smiled at the small child who had a yellow glasses on. "Now we have to wait for daddy to get home" you placed him in his play pin as you turned on one of the children shows he enjoyed while you went to the kitchen to check on the food. Keigo has been a bit busy like always but this time it feels like he's never around, He was there for Christmas but he was late and we had to wait around 3 to open presents and right after he left again.

You told yourself that it was fine considering he now the Number 2 hero and he's like a puppet to the safety commission. The minutes passed and he was no where to be seen, it was past 11 and you were now feeding Kenji while the live broadcast played on the TV, You glanced over at the clock and saw it was 11:50pm "I guys it's just you and me... again" whispered small at the small boy who looked like he didn't have a care in the world.

"Papa!" He shouted as he pointed to the TV, "Yeah papas on TV" you smiled at the little child giggled in your arms. "Soon you'll be 2" you spoke after letting out a heavy breath, "2!" He spoke holding up 4 fingers. "That's 4 Ji, this is 2" you spoke holding up 2 fingers, "2!" He exclaimed again as he held up two fingers with both hands, you laughed as you put his plate down picking him up and hugging him. You soon heard the bell ring from the tv and you smiled down at the child.

"Let's get you to bed"

Keigo rushed home, in hopes you two were still up. Though you weren't, it was 2 am when he got home and you were already fast asleep on the couch with Kenji asleep on your chest. The Tv was still running and the sudden bright light woke you up, you sat up slowly holding Kenji close to your chest, you glanced to your right to see him standing there.

"So you did decide to come home" you spoke before getting up and heading upstairs to your room to put Kenji to sleep. "I'm sorry [N/N] , something came up—" "I'm not in the mood for your excuses" you whispered as you placed Kenji in his crib, "I truly am sorry, I wanted to make it home on time I promise you I did" he sneaked his arms around your waist his body becoming closer to yours until your back touched his chest, he nuzzled his head into the crock of your neck. as much you wanted to give in you didn't.

You pulled his arms from around before walking towards your shared bed, "Dinners in the fridge" was the last words you said before trying to fall asleep. Keigo was a bit heartbroken by your actions but decided he'd leave you alone, After he was finished changing and eating he got in bed beside you, he wrapped an arm around your sleeping figure moving closer to you, "goodnight" he whispered resting his head on your back.


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