𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟗

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March 30th, 2136 7:06am

The next morning you woke to find keigo sleeping next to you with Kenji holding his arm, you smiled at the sight but it dropped knowing the only reason he's here. You climbed out of bed, you didnt really know what to do, your clinic was closed considering it was no longer safe to be outside with freed criminals out. You stood in you kitchen thinking maybe you could clean but you already did, you soon felt arms wrap around your waist from behind, "I'm sorry" his raspy voice spoke resting his face in your shoulder. "You shouldn't be talking, that's why they gave you that mask" as much as you wanted to move away from him, you really needed him right now.

"If we go, will we see you again?" You questioned him turning around, "I'll try and see you both as much as I can" you nodded as you wrapped your arms around his neck resting your head on his chest. "Promise?" "I promise" you smiled weakly as you looked up at him before kissing his lips.

You sat in Kenjis room packing up his toys while he handed you whatever he wanted to bring, "mama, we leave?" He questioned and you nodded "without papa?" You paused and placed him in your lap. "Listen Kenji, daddy has to fight a very bad man and he wants us to be safe from the criminals, so we have to leave, but I promise we'll be back home after it's all over" you whispered holding him close, "papa win fight!" He smiled standing up "yeah, and we'll be okay" you smiled as he continued handing you toys.

Soon you were all packed and set to go, "come on, you can nap a bit on the way there" you spoke strapping him in his car seat, "No! I want mama!" You smiled as you settled down on the car putting him in your lap. You strapped yourself in as your driver began driving, "it's not public yet, but soon they'll start letting the public stay in the schools" you remembered his words as you looked outside the tinted windows. In what felt like in seconds you were there in front of the school, you woke Kenji up a bit.

"We're here" you whispered as you watched his eyes flutter open, you opened the car door and let him out "papa!" He shouted running off, you panicked and hurriedly got out the car to chase after him only to find him in his dad's arms. You smiled at the sight knowing you'll miss it, "you're here" you whispered out "I didn't want to leave with saying goodbye" his robotic voice spoke while you walked over to him, "this isn't goodbye stop with your stupid words" you hugged him holding back tears, "when did you become such a cry baby?" He teased making a smile form on your face.

"Since I met you, stupid" You pulled away and took Kenji out of his arms causing him to whine, "papa!" He let out as low placed his lips against yours softly, "I'll be back ok?" He pulled away and you nodded. You both looked at Kenji who was on the verge of tears still reaching for keigo, "be good for mommy ok? And take care of her" he whispered to Kenji before walking away towards a black car, Kenji began crying as the cloud became grey and you felt little rain drops on your face. Soon he was pushing himself out of your arms as you tired to keep him calm.

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