SEONGHWA • He Asks You to be His English Tutor

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[Synopsis] : Seonghwa asks you to be his tutor for English, will you accept his invitation? Will you end up solely being his tutor or his lover?

"Y/N, would you mind teaching me English?" Seonghwa asked with a playful look on his face, leaning in to hear the response that he wanted most.

As an idol, it is emphasized for idols to be able to speak 2 or more languages. Seonghwa had voiced to you before that he wanted to be able to speak English better for a couple of reasons such as wanting to communicate with his international ATINY better, support Hongjoong in interviews, and secretly... he found himself a reason to be around you more without raising suspicion. English was your native language, in fact, you were a polyglot and Korean was one of the languages that you learned over the years due to your great interest in the culture and the music.

"I guess so" you replied in a fake tone, pretending to be greatly inconvenienced by his request. "Great! I'll see you in class then." He smirked and walked back into the practice room ending the conversation.

2 days later

Seonghwa requested that his first English lesson be taught at his house. You've been friends for almost a year, therefore you've been to his house a couple of times, but never one on one. You also had a crush on him, so being alone with your crush in his house made things a little nerve racking but exciting for you. Once you arrived at the door, you rang the doorbell, impatiently waiting for the door to open. The door opened, with Seonghwa standing there without moving to let you in.

"Y/N-ah" was all he could say. "Hey Seonghwa" you smiled. "Are you ready to become fluent in English after today?" You asked teasingly.

"Well... I did ask the best teacher." He joked on, his back leaning against the door. You rolled your eyes to his reply. "I've never taught English before. How do you know that I won't bore you to death? Maybe I'll be a harsh teacher and discourage you from learning English. Or worse- I'll make you take difficult tests everyday to see if you've been paying attention or not." His eyes widened. "You're right, I asked the grammar police to be my tutor!" He exclaimed. "Too late now" you smirked. "Now let me in."

"Yes ma'am" he replied to your demand in English and moved inside to let you in. Stepping into his abode, you took off your shoes at the door and began to take off your jacket before Seonghwa started to assist you. His actions were so intimate yet so considerate. You were facing each other with him taking off your jacket, looking at you with soft, caring eyes, looking at every feature on your face. He made the atmosphere hotter by beginning to fix your hair and the necklace you had on. "Make yourself comfortable." He said in English to you while taking your jacket in his hands. You were so flustered by his small yet powerful action that he spoke again before you could form a response out loud. "Did I say it wrong?" He asked worriedly. "No not at all." You finally responded back. "I was just impressed by your... improvement on your pronunciation!" You lied. "Well thank you." He smiled at you warmly. "I hope that I can continue to impress you. Only you." He said, looking at you again in the same intimate manner he did while helping you with your jacket earlier.

After teaching Seonghwa some more complex grammatical structures and advanced vocabulary for about 30 minutes, you guys took a short break before continuing on with the lecture. During this time, Seonghwa asked you if you could teach him some 'useful' flirtatious phrases and pick up lines for his ATINY. Unknown to you, he just wanted to find a reason to flirt with you instead and stall your one on one time together.

"Seonghwa, you're asking the wrong person to teach you how to flirt in English. Actually, I couldn't teach you how to flirt in any language." You blushed. "You recruited the grammar police, a language nerd, not the rizz master. At this point I think the cursed Duolingo owl would be able to teach you how to flirt better in English than I can." You chuckled.

He raised his eyebrows in amusement and slight bewilderment at your statement. "Aww come on, you can't be that bad at flirting. Let's at least look up some funny English pick up lines and tell me what they mean." He pleaded. You complied to his request, looking up some cringy, clever, and sensual pick up lines. "Y/N, can you pretend that you're ATINY and I'm trying to flirt with you?" He asked shyly. "I'm already am an ATINY though." You joked. He laughed and replied "exactly, so just act normal as if you're on a fan call with me."
"Ok I'll start now. Hi Seonghwa! You look so handsome today!"

"Hello Y/N! Thank you so much for the compliment! You look breathtaking. Way prettier than me. How are you today?" His words made your breath hitch in your throat by the excessive compliment. If anything, he was the one who was truly breathtaking with his curly but long hair that framed his face perfectly, hooded eyes, strong jawline, perfect nose bridge, and his plump yet oh so kissable lips.

"I feel so much happier after seeing you! Could you humor me with a pick up line please?"

"Of course Y/N! You must have heard that kissing is the language of love. Want to check out if we can converse well?" He smirked confidently raising his eyebrow. All you could do was blush instead of respond to his pick up line. It kind of freaked you out that his pick up line related to kissing right after thinking about his plump pink lips that looked perfect for kissing. Despite this momentary panic, Seonghwa spoke, ending your panicked daze. "What did you think of that Y/N? Was the delivery good or what?" He grinned widely at you knowing the effect he had over you.

"After that all you can think of is the delivery of your pick up line and not wondering how good your English was?" You joked, scoffing at him. "Wow, you truly are a language nerd." He chuckled. "Not even taking a moment to appreciate my efforts in flirting." He frowned at you, pouting and crossing his arms like a 5 year old at the undesired reaction he received from you. "Here, I've got another one since you appreciated my last one so much. I'm learning about important dates in history, wanna be one of them?" He smiled, leaning in dangerously close to your face "besides," he continued "I couldn't help but notice that you look a lot like my next girlfriend." He stated, continuing on with the silly pick up lines. "Ugh, Park Seonghwa!" You blushed, hiding your face behind your hands "you can't give ATINY a heart attack like that." You exclaimed. "Hah! So my delivery was good!" He cheered. "No, uh, it's just that, you know, you shouldn't get so close to my face like that..." you said shyly, lowering your voice and your head, not facing him. "Why?" He cocked his head smirking, leaning in even closer to your face.

"Am I making my future girlfriend shy?" He teased.

You scoffed at his comment, referring to his previous pick up line. "You wish." You bluffed, finally looking into his beautiful brown eyes. Only silence remained. All you could do was look back and forth between his eyes and his lips, Seonghwa doing the same. You leaned your head in a little further to give him a sign that you wanted to kiss him, he must of read your mind because his next words were, "Y/N... May I kiss you?" He asked softly. You responded to his plea by kissing him and putting your right hand on his cheek, brushing it softly. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before you pulled away, not wanting to come off as too desperate, but he pulled you back in for a second kiss, making it last a few seconds longer than the first. Once y'all pulled away, all you could do was blush and had a gigantic smile on your face, not being able to hide your happiness.

Seonghwa smiled at this, finding it cute that a kiss is all it took to put a silly smile on your face. "God you're adorable." He said looking at you lovingly, taking your hand in his. "Y/N, will you go on a date with me tomorrow?" He asked in English. "I wouldn't want to spend tomorrow with anyone else." You replied back to him in English.



Thank you so much to all those who read my imagine! It's been a few years since I last wrote one, therefore I am grateful for all the reads and feedback I receive! :)

If you would like to interact with me or read my work elsewhere, you can follow me on my K-pop Instagram account @a.tease_fics

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